Who is Red John?

Theory #14461 • by CitizenK01


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories



Bruno Heller is going to announce next week that the show formerly known as The Mentalist will get a new name and will be called "The Red Herring" from episode 9 on.

The show will go on with just presenting a bunch of red herrings completely unrelated to anything which will happen in the finale. "We won't give any explanations in the future either - and nothing we show will be related to the story, if there even is a story", says Heller, "that's what the fans are used to and what they expect to see from us".

Everyone in the team is thrilled to start working on more red herrings than ever before, nothing of which will have any relation to the great finale in season 12.

CBS is also going proudly reveal that "The Pigeon" will join the cast as a new main character in the next episodes. But it of course won't have anything to do with a story either. The pigeon will be there in case we need it for the great finale after another 6 seasons, when Jane will face the evil Red Herring for a minute before he goes on killing him. "We can already say that the Red Herring is the most evil character ever, he will even instantly cry when he faces Jane", a spokesman of the network adds.

"Killing the Red Herring before he could even say a word in the end will be Jane's third murder and make him a serial killer too", says actor Simon Baker, who is already thrilled about playing the new antagonist after season 12 then.

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