Who is Red John?

Theory #14449 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hang on Did Jimmy Gadd actually apologize for fans spoiling the episode for other people lmao. That crock of crap? That's called deflection. WE should get an apology from Heller telling us that he sorry for that dull, unimaginative and half arsed episode. He should be damn sorry for his laziness. He should be sorry that his episode is so bad that people actually believe that it's a comedy, that it couldn't possibly be the real one. He should apologize for lying in interviews, for saying he had a plan when he didn't. 

If he doesn't apologize then I will. I'm sorry fans of the mentalist that your loyalty was not rewarded. That we didn't get the quality that we deserved. That Heller's profile of Red John wasn't near as imaginative or developed or as intelligent as ours were. I'm sorry for the actors, it was the material they had to work with. Berkeley thinks he will go down in history as a super villain but it's been tarnished by the joke that Heller revealed as Red John.

Mostly I'm really sorry that I can't buy the boxsets and sieve through the clues and say " Ah that is why that happened, that explains that" or I can't say " wow that was genius". 
Before this I thought this as one of the best shows that I had ever seen. I mean the clues were so carefully thought out placed ( or so I thought). If you googles something anything it would lead you to the word red or something similar. Wow I thought. But now I know that that was all in our heads.It that was just coincidence, it wasn't planned, it wasn't carefully thought out, it wasn't a  masterpiece. It was a crock of shit. There was no plan. There was no twists no turns no master profile of red john. Anybody could throw in a few red herring to confuse people without anything behind them or them leading to anything. It was all in our heads. It was us that were the geniuses making out Heller was a genius but when the time came to prove he was....lol...he fell flat.

I'm sorry it was such a disappointment.
The super villain that was Red John was just shat on by a pigeon.

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