Who is Red John?

Theory #14414 • by krobhag


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


SPOILER FREE THEORY (but includes info from previous episodes)

Leaked episode aside - because, honestly, what better way to get people to actually watch Sunday night than to allow them to wonder whether or not their download is legit - I would like to continue to theorize until Sunday night.  Until it has aired, I trust nothing.  

Here is what is bugging me.  In the explosion, Haffner, Stiles, and McCallister are reported dead. The show, and Jane, have a fairly specific moral code.  If a person is baddie - even if not for the crime being investigated - if they die (or are harmed) at the hand of one of Jane's schemes, it is okay.  I cannot think of an example of an innocent dying at the hand of Jane without Jane feeling really bad about it.  He goes out of his way to protect people he has put in harms way.  

So if McCallister died - that's fine.  He is a baddie, part of BA.

If Stiles died - that is also fine because he was dying anyway.  

If Haffner died - that is not fine.  At this point in time we have no reason to believe he is guilty of anything but being kind of a d^&k.  

So my official theory, until proven otherwise, is that Haffner is alive and may or may not be RJ. 

(And I do know what happens in the leaked episode so you don't need to point out "but x happens" because I am aware.  It don't dispute that the main events of the leaked episode actually happen, but that in the final cut some scenes are added and other shortened or cut.)

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