Who is Red John?

Theory #14393 • by HEISAM1


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Having watched the leaked episode, which I'm certain is more or less the
episode that will air on Sunday. The word that keeps coming back to me
is laziness.

Laziness on the part of BH, the writing staff, and
everyone involved with making what should have been a fantastic finale
into not just a disappointment, but an insult to all the fans who have followed and made the show from day 1.

could have made McAllister a great Red John. They could have taken the
time to dedicate the entire episode to the reason why everyone has tuned
in for six years.

Yet what I can only describe as sheer laziness and expedience turned a potentially legendary ending to the story into a forgetful one.

All the avenues that should have been explored were ignored:

A clever explanation on RJ knowing the 7 suspects-just looked over.

He Is Ma-not a mention of it.

How Red John recruits his followers, and why are they so willing to give complete devotion to him, to the point of suicide.

history to himself as a serial killer, how he began as a killer to in
his own words-"building a secret empire controlling thousands of lives."

How he is able to put people like Kristina Frye, Rosalind and others into that trance like state.

No explanation of how Bret Stiles knew the location of Kristina Frye, and what RJ was planning back in S3.

Not a mention of Bradley Whitford's RJ at all.

even a talk of Luther Wainwright found dead in the back of the limo in
S4, Lorelai Martins, or The Red Barn where RJ presumably made his first kill.

whole episode just reeked of laziness, and was a squandered opportunity
to give the RJ story a fitting ending. Not only do they breeze over the
past history of the show, and not give any good explanations, the
episode itself lacked any kind of excitement or structure. The time
spent on the whole FBI angle was unnecessary, when it could have been
put to a proper showdown between Jane and RJ.

The best they had was that Jane had a pidgeon underneath his jacket!?!

The RJ we knew would never had admitted to being sorry for murder and being afraid of death, knowing he was dying.

I would also have liked RJ to have kept his high-pitched voice throughout and reveal that his deeper accent was just a front.

Also just like Timothy Carter, there was no real proof that McAllister really was RJ.

They didn't have to close all the loose endings, but to simply ignore them ALL, just showcased laziness on the part of their team. A waste.

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