Who is Red John?

Theory #14308 • by Egbert


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I accuse Bruno Heller ...

... of murdering a perfectly good TV show!

I have just witnessed the grim spectacle that is Episode 8.

Please please please let it be a spoof episode, designed to get the die-hard fans all worked up. But if it is the real deal, then they have let us down badly.

The resolution of this story arc should have been subtle and nuanced, allowing us to understand what lies behind the brutality of Red John. Instead we get this cack-handed effort where Patrick rejects RJ's offer to answer his questions, thereby leaving multiple plot-points forever dangling in the wind.

And, irrespective of this particular episode, the whole Tyger-Tyger malarky is just plain silly. I mean, you'd think that RJ would be kept busy with his full-time job plus his serial murders, but now we are expected to believe that he heads-up a secret society for bent policemen who were dumb enough to get caught!

It's just too nonsensical to be remotely credible.

As a loyal viewer, and purchaser of the box-sets, I feel short changed and let down.

This excellent series has been building up to a climax for a number of years. If this episode is the real deal then they needn't have bothered.

Very disappointing.


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