Who is Red John?

Theory #14243 • by aPartridgeInRJTree


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


To all of you Partridge Fans,

The truth about the "leaked" episode is that Partridge aka Red John had his red headed sister, Grace Van Pelt, use her massive computer skills to upload a bogus episode, and hide it in the source code for the CBS press release video site, just to mess with the minds of the non-believers.  Obviously his plan has worked!  Haven't read a post yet from someone who has seen the leaked episode who hasn't been somewhat disappointed.  Additionally, Red John had help from Bruno Heller in creating the leaked episode.  The Mentalist fans aren't the only ones tired of their show being preempted by sports.  Heller et al have given us five plus great years of The Mentalist and how aggravating it must be for all those involved from writing, directing, producing and acting in one of the best television shows ever aired to be treated like "The Red Headed Step-child" by CBS.  Ever since the night CBS decided not to air the scheduled episode to the entire viewing areas and instead caused havoc for the fans,  suspect that felt like the final straw, too, to those involed from A to Z in creating The Mentalist.  If Sunday's "Red John" episode does turn out to be the same as the "leaked" episode then you will know that even Red John knew he was being underappreciated by CBS and did not make his proper appearance and proper goodbyes.  However, once The Mentalist is picked up by a new network that will revere it and give it the prime time viewing slot it deserves, then he will reappear and we will see Brett Partridge reemerge as Red John and before Patrick Jane has his way with him, we will all get the attention and answers to the great theories and questions that the loyal fans of The Mentalist have posted on this great site!

One last note on the behalf of all fans of all the suspects, "Thank You" to site owner / operator / admin Jeremy for creating a fun site that obviously took a great deal of your time and energy to create and you did so with minimum advertising!  As a web designer myself, I greatly appreciate the lost revenues you could have made with advertising overkill and basically you made this a not for profit site.  If you would like to put a PayPal donation link on your feedback page, would like to make a small donation to you and am in hopes many of the fans of this site would, too!  Kudos and again many thanks to Jeremy!

PS Any of you who are contrary enough to disagree that Webmaster Jeremy doesn't deserve A Green Plausible sign of Thanks, go ahead and press Red and take a flying jump into a "Red" lake where Red John is waiting for you! :)

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