Who is Red John?

Theory #14210 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I vow never to watch anything That Heller does ever again. I can't after that. 

They should have treated the episode as a funeral. They should have alotted the time for going back and revisiting everything, the farm, Patricks family, maybe some stuff we hadn't seen before. RJ watching Jane on the news for the first time. It should have been a tribute to Red JOHN. Again he was the backbone of the show. it's makes no sense that it was all wasted. They obviously thought that Red John was not important enough to spend the time on.

 His Story should have been told. There should have been great imaginary, we have seen it before right. The pilot, Patrick standing outside the barn and the light showing the smiley. Well the same thing should have been done for Red John. They should have paralleled some of that stuff with Patrick Jane. just like Patrick was standing outside the barn they should have shown a flashback to Red John just after painting the smiley. They should have explained the cutting of the women's throats and related it to a back story maybe with his mother or a sister. Why does he seem to have a hatred for women mainly and left the copycat man killer alive?? They should have shown him using his skills, sneaking up on a victim or getting someone to kill themselves. it just takes quick flashbacks and it's about fitting everything tightly together. I am telling you I could have done a better job then Heller did.  

What they could have done was build him up as a god in the flashbacks where he was in his own territory surrounded by his followers. A skilled serial killer, smart and cunning. They could then stripped him of this with Jane having gotten the upper the hand with his phobia and shown that under it all he was just a man with no followers behind him. 

That's just me though. Wasted potential with this whole story.

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