Who is Red John?

Theory #14157 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Something has been bothering me. Since RJ hates pigeons so much how the hell does he function at all. How does he go to town. Everywhere PJ and lisbon went there was bloody pigeons so how did he follow them around. How does he have christmas dinner. Is it just pigeons or birds in general I would imagine turkey would be hard to stomach. How does he live out in the country with all those birds. 

No in all seriousness, I don't imagine The sheriff drawing the smiley. I would have liked to have seen some flashbacks of him drawing it and with him in action. I would have liked to have known about the carnie days if he had any connection. I would have liked to have gotten to know him better before he was strangled to death. I would liked to see him interacting with stiles and lorelie. I'm sorry if I am asking for too much Heller but didn't you think that we may have wanted to dwell a little on this character before you ripped him away for good. I don't want to see Jane in action, we see him all the time we don't get to see Red John. What about the one twin he killed. What about RH and the sheriff,  how odd a pair they make, I guess she blind so it doesn't matter. 

I would have liked a series of flashbacks with him killing someone. Maybe show him getting ready before he saves Patrick?? That would have been ace. It's like there was absolutely no gimmicks in the whole episode, nothing to dress it up or make it complete.
Does anyone get what I am saying
The normal way to end something like this is to either have PJ tell him how he figured it out way back to visualize OR to have the sheriff tell him about his history. It's like they deliberately left that out and THAT IS WHY THIS EPISODES LEAVES A BAD TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH. It's incomplete.

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