Who is Red John?

Theory #14110 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Is it wrong I actually prefer the sheriff as his own character then as RED JOHN. He was by far a better character, smarter stronger. 
No amount of convincing can make this any better. They could have done the whole show a series of flashbacks and it would have been waaaaay better then the heap of junk we just watched.
I think they didn't want to put any effort into it at all. The flashbacks to the farm would have been too much effort. It's like they didn't have the budget for it and really tell me this

Who ENDS A STORY LIKE THIS MID WAY through a season in only one episode and introduce completely new characters almost in the same episode. Who signed that off. Why didn't they do this properly. 

why why why why why why why.

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