Who is Red John?

Theory #14055 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Okay so it's not about RJ being a god. We all know he is just a man at the end of the day but the thing is he is an evil genius. He also thinks he is god so he would never back down, and always have something up his sleeve. His followers are many but where were they here. I didn't see his evilness or narcissistic behavior till the end. His determination to not get beat? Where was that. His under handed dirtiness where was that?  It's like all of a sudden he became this weakling.
The whole feel to the episode was awful. The day time thing in the park wasn't the best option either and the jokes and humor about it was ridiculous.

The plot was awful. The action wasn't action it was running and jumping. The end was awkward with the blinking. Red John was but a man but HE THOUGHT HE WAS A GOD and where was that??

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