Who is Red John?

Theory #13981 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I agree this is one of the funniest sites. www.red-john.info -The comments are hilarious.Someone should add the one about the T-shirt that ANOTHER poster left a few comments down
" I followed Red John for 5 years and all I got was a pigeon!

Priceless guys.

What are we gonna do when we find out that this was the real episode. I have to wait up until 3 o clock to watch it and it could be the same one. I don't care if they explain stuff in the next episode..that's not good enough. He had Red John there with him. There could have been a amazing showdown. Something spectacular. It was not good enough.

No offence but the show is ruined for me if this was it. I won't be tuning in anymore. There would be no point. It would just be silly. Also why didnt they wait until Red John was dealth with before introducing the new characters. The very end of the episode could have been them packing everything up.

I can't make sense of this.

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