Ok so after watching that leak i have gone trough many emotions, anger,sadness,frustration and now im in denial or hopeful depends how you look at it.
So im hopeful that the leak was a fake and that in fact by giving us all a very accessible way to view the almighty red john episode Heller has disappointed us all on purpose, knowing all hardcore fans would access it. Cause lets face it that was awful but wouldnt it be genius to provide us with this awful episode so when we actual saw the real one we will all be so relieved and happy that it wasnt what we all just saw.
I know at this point i would even be happy if red john turned out to be partridge rather than xander berkleys shocking portrayal of him. It was more dirty old red man john, Than Red JOhn the "GOD"
somewhere deep down im still praying its CBI RON :) its not happening though.