Who is Red John?

Theory #13852 • by poorbruno


Patrick Jane

Patrick Jane
Suspected in 673 theories


This is my last theory. The title is Poor Bruno.

I think that someone got the main plot and who is Red John right. Bruno was sad about this.

"Someone" leaked the episode, which was in the source code of the page (Come on, it takes a dumb to extract a video link from the source page. Too easy...every video host website used an encrypted source so no one can edit it, to get premium accounts for example.)

It took 0.2 seconds  for an average person to notice that this "leaked Red John vs Patrick the ultimate revelation you've waited for 6 years" looks more like a parody then the epic conclusion to this clever storyline.

Poor Bruno, people on this website are quite clever. See you on sunday for the actual Episode of the episodes

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