Okay seriously ,I'm really disappointed with this ugly yucky stupid ending !!
It just does not make sense ,it feels like they rushed so they could add up two extra seasons ,idiots !!
Okay so red john is not in his 40s ,he does not have soft hair ,he is just a sherif
why would he give up the list to PJ ,why would he include his name ,why would he give up the BLAKE ASSo
why would he kill Bertram ? Why didnt patric perform any of his tricks ,we though he was a mentaliist ,but clearly the show should be Rename to "The Idiot "
Stupid ending ,messed up acting and most importantly ,they missed ,that" AHH ,that is Red john ,wow!" but they replaced it with ,"what ? seriously now? "
Anyway ,I think I made a point ,and clearly ,this ending sucks ,sucks sucks sucks sucks sucks !!!