Who is Red John?

Theory #13770 • by Shree


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Who ever have watched the episode...

Kindly read this and reply


Here's what you can expect to find out this Sunday night...
Red John will be revealed.
Patrick Jane will come face to face with his nemesis.
More than one Red John suspect will die.
More than one member of the (former?) CBI team will end up in cuffs.
Jane's sofa isn't the only thing missing at the CBI offices.
Who lost a foot in the explosion at Jane's home is still a mystery.
Someone utters the line, "Sometimes I think you like being helpless." Who says it and to whom might surprise you.
A member of the team walks away. Will it be for good?

If you can answer this then the link is good... or just forget abt it...

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