Who is Red John?

Theory #13673 • by jacobld


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


I think most people who know the show would agree with this statement:

"The one sure thing we can be sure of is that nothing is for sure."

Those familiar with Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None:

judge, Justice Wargrave is thought to be dead. His body is verified
dead by a doctor.  A few are left, but still end up dead.  Justice
Wargrave was never dead and was the murderer the whole time.

not saying anything. Just take this at face value. With all the
corruption in law enforcement and little technicalities, NOBODY on the
list could be dead certainly. (Okay, probably Robert Kirkland, but who knows, maybe Reede Smith made up the story and the death was faked.)

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