Who is Red John?

Theory #13572 • by bettyboo


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Hmm guys I highly doubt that that was a decoy. They were doing a good job of fooling us as it was why would they bother wasting time and resources making a whole episode. Anyway I still haven't watched it wish someone would download it so I could watch it through a different means. 
I don't get it though, was it too rushed. Had Heller not ALOT to work with.I mean all those clues that he put in and the red Herrings were just rubbish and not thought out well at all. He had no master plan I think he interview was probably because he knew he didn't have one and was pretending to have one.  

The sheriff was an excellent choice but to not follow through with everything else Makes no sense. Are they not embarrassed about it?!

I wouldn't want to be Hellers twitter account in the next coming days..eeeeek. 

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