Who is Red John?

Theory #13385 • by krobhag


Ray Haffner

Ray Haffner
Suspected in 875 theories


Not a Ray theory but a question....

A lot of us have been theorizing that Lisbon has been bugged this season. If so, how? My initial thought would be her cross that she wears around her neck. (It would have to be a pretty tiny bug.) In terms of props, her cross is pretty much synonymous with Jane's teacup - which we know has been, um, compromised.

Is there ever a time when she is not wearing it? Has it always been the same cross? At what point would it have been bugged? If not her cross, then what else?

As a follow up, if Lisbon is bugged, it makes the PI bug seem (even more) ridiculous - likely a set up. It did set the happenings of the last two episodes in motion.

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