Who is Red John?

Theory #13363 • by Red_Jake


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Has anybody considered that the church scene we see in the trailer, must obviously pick up from where the end of episode seven left off? As mentioned before we know RJ and PJ confront in the park.

Now - in the trailer the guy in the church confronting PJ we ASSUME is RJ - It may be or it may not be, here's why - it could be one of three people in my opinion;

Bertram - now if it is Bertram we know he's not RJ, everything from the last episode screams 'If you think it's Bertram you've missed the point of the show.' However it could be Bertram, but personally I think the figure in the trailer looks a little thin. However, say it is him - we can rule him out as RJ, he's either there as RJ's messenger/assassin and right hand man. He may be there to kill Jane, he may be there to deliver a message. I personally think if it is Bertram then the part we saw in the trailer, will show him talking with Patrick, but the 'Red John' voice comes from a mobile phone that Bertram has open in his hand. We don't ever see the person talk to Jane. That's how the 'The game's over and I won' line comes in - he's got leverage on Jane, i.e. Lisbon or whatever, and that will force Jane to kill Bertram and meet RJ later in the park. Bertram maaaaaay (stretching it slightly here) have left the encoded message for PJ with a list of all Tyger Tyger employees, but is forced by RJ to deliver a message at the same time (as RJ has stumbled onto Bertram's plan/realises he is actually trying to help PJ)

Next potential churchgoer; McAllister. From the trailer it sure looks like McAllister, and we've all seen the stills/close up freeze frames of him going through the window/walking up the church isle. Now lets assume that it is McAllister (which I'm not convinced about) in the Church  - same theme applies as with Bertram, he's a messenger or right hand man with a phone and a message. Whoever we see in that scene is surely NOT Red John, there's too much to happen in the rest of the episode, and from the trailer it looks like the tall thin, bald man dies in that church whilst delivering that message.

Now that brings me to the third possibility; and it's not who I wanted to be RJ all along, Bret Stiles, sadly....it is in fact.....Shawn Barlow. The carnie guy who says RJ has real abilities/is in Patrick's head at the end of season 5 who Patrick said he couldn't read. Maybe that's how RJ knows so much about Patrick, he's in cahoots with Shawn, and hence Patrick's surprised expression when we see the tall, bald, thin figure with grey hair walking down the isle. What initially lead me to think that was it sounded like he could've put on the 'the games over' voice and it got me a researching. None of those grainy photos prove it's McAllister, and I think that's why Jane looks so surprised; we see Barlow arrive at the church to deliver a message from Red John -  he's got to have been in the season 5 finale for a reason and nobody seems to have thought of him in the equation.

My theory? Barlow delivers the message for RJ, PJ then kills Barlow, and goes to meet RJ because of the 'leverage' but has his own trick up his sleeve as always, we know he knows Lisbon's been bugged from the beginning, maybe he's bugged her too? Doesn't lead us any closer to who RJ is really, but at this point it's safe to say RJ could realistically be any of these;

Bob/Michael Kirkland

Still clinging on to the hope it could be Stiles, but frankly he's more likely to be the symbolic 'father' of RJ or as I posted before, the 'old' RJ.

I don't think the bombing rules out any of the 3 'dead' or Partridge's 'death' rules him out - it could be anyone now lets face it, just pick your favourite suspect and root for them (come on Stiles, at least be RJ's mentor.) I'm still leaning towards Haffner/Partridge/Kirkland and wouldn't want to pick one as I think there will be a family/acquaintance relationship between RJ and PJ he never knew (brothers, in the foster system, carnies, etc.)

And also - you don't just casually mention a twin brother for no reason then never mention them again - just saying.

Only people it's definitely not are; Bertram/Smith

Just trying to say here; whoever walks down that church isle is not Red John, I believe they're delivering a message from RJ to PJ with a rendezvous or whatever, in the park later in the episode.

Good job to the writers; they've left it so whoever your favourite is, as long as it's not Bertram or Smith, is still in contention; very difficult to rule anybody in or out, and the only people who could be RJ are all supposedly dead! Well played Sirs, well played.

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