Who is Red John?

Theory #13276 • by bettyboo


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


A mystery still Lingers????? What . 

This should be an episode that satisfies many out there looking for some sort of closure into what has been a long-running, at-times complicated story. There are twists aplenty, and there is also a great Jane moment where you once again realize just how smart the man really is. While the site’s Matt Mitovich claims that there is possibly a mystery that will still linger from this episode, that is disputed by other reporters. (END)

[Lisbon] tells him that she doesn’t believe that he’s giving up, and he makes very clear that there’s a difference between giving up and letting go. And I leave that to the viewers and to the next episode to get into exactly what that means. … It’s difficult to comment on Jane’s mental state in the best of times. As a Mentalist writer, there’s always the challenge of trying to write somebody who is smarter than you. Therefore, you can only give a vague approximation of what is going on in his head. To answer what is actually going through his mind is pretty difficult, but it’s safe to say that his brain is firing on all cylinders at this point.”

- http://cartermatt.com/96171/the-mentalist-season-6-episode-8-questions-with-red-john-brett-partridge...

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