Who is Red John?

Theory #13202 • by Sheldorian


Thomas McAllister

Thomas McAllister
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Anybody else find it interesting that McAllister, Smith and Bertram were standing right next to each other during the blast, and yet Smith and Bertram are alive and McAllister was confirmed "dead"? Exactly how did the bomb kill Haffner and Stiles, who were on the other side of the room AND McAllister, while Bertram, Smith and Jane are unharmed?  Anyone care to explain the physics of that? I sure can't!  There is no way McAllister could be dead.  

More importantly, how can we assume that ANY of the suspects actually died?  The Blake Association has people everywhere, probably in forensics, given that Partridge was most likely a member.  Who confirmed Haffner, Stiles and McAllister to be dead? Forensics!  Why on earth should we trust their word?  For all we know, NOBODY was killed and they're all in on it somehow!

We thought things were narrowed down, but lots of Tiger, Tiger people in Forensics opens up a huge can of worms.  How can we trust that anyone is dead at this point?  We can't even be sure of Partridge or Kirkland!  My money is still on McAllister, but I'm starting to think it's anyone's game!

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