Who is Red John?

Theory #13163 • by Hll


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


The most PATHETIC outcome possible:  Brett Partridge is Red John

Like, DUH.....for obviousness -- I HOPE TO BE MORE SURPRISED [someone wrote "wait until the rest figure it out that it's Partridge?!!!]  WHAT IS THERE TO FIGURE OUT?  It's as plain as a nose on a face that the creepy forensics guy is an RJ possibility -- and it's LAME AS HELL

Partridge gloating over Jane?  Seriously?  That's the BIG reveal?!!  LOL  Jane is basically an idiot if Partridge is Red John -- considering Partridge was SO accessible as a fellow CBI employee.  How easy would it have been for Jane to put a tail on Partridge?  BP has a REGULAR job, having to come and go from his business location every day, NO?  Having to go home somewhere, NO?  

I hate for ANYONE on the list to be RJ -- but at this point, after the last 7 semi-disappointing episodes and TONS of lack of explanations -- I'd settle for a KIRKLAND TWIN or STILES/HAFFNER TWIST 

HELL -- I'd even rather see McALLISTER as Red John before Partridge!!!  Just INANE!!!

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