Who is Red John?

Theory #13070 • by bettyboo


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


OKay I rewatched scenes again and again and I would be ok with the sheriff,  but we were lead there and that is why I don't think it is him. It is kinda obvious wasn't it with the name THOMAS and the pigeons and the wine. It's too obvious. So I don't think it's him. I would be fine with red John being either him, Haffner or Partridge but I have a feeling it's gonna be someone else on the list. That is why I would actually look out for Bertram- maybe it is him after all. It looks like him in the promo. Maybe the stuntman looks slightly different. We were told there was no tricks but I doubt this is true. Reede Smith- is the one that we don't want or that we don't think it's Red John. We ruled him out from Day 1 if were are entirely honest we don't want him as red John because of his weight and he doesn't match the descriptions at all..but don't rule him out at all. It could still be him. Partridge- Could definitely be him. Ya Cho didn't check we seen him NOT CHECK. There was no off screen check. It's a big mistake though. I wouldn't trust the attendant at the morgue to point out the right box.

So all in all I would be extremly happy with either Partridge, Ray OOOOR the Sheriff as Red John. I just want to know already.

P.S Americ looked in shock didn't really look that happy...it bothers me.

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