Who is Red John?

Theory #12822 • by MrsJohn


Walter Mashburn

Walter Mashburn
Suspected in 325 theories


Before I start, can I just say how much I hate Partridge for RJ ?! He would be SO TYPICAL and not at all realistic. Ugh. If you need a detailed explanation of why I believe Partridge is not RJ read my previous post: http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/12777

I have been thinking about his dying words - the Tyger Tyger comment (I say his dying words as I do believe he is dead - Lisbon is not that stupid people, and she has worked with dead people her whole career, she didn't just 'think' he was dead ok?). So my question is do you think he, like Kirkland, was onto the Blake Association? Maybe nerdy Partridge who was always fascinated by the RJ cases actually had figured out more than we think he did? Maybe he was trying to tell Lisbon. I mean as much as I hate his character, he does seem reasonably smart, just not RJ-uber-intelligent-manipultive-woman seducer-smart! lol  And definitely seems the type to do 'underground' research outside of the CBI official realm. Especially if he had suspicions that there are moles within the CBI/FBI.

I sense he was trying to alert Lisbon about the BA as opposed to seeing if she was a member (who really cares when you're dying who else is a member!). Maybe we will see Partridge turn out to be 'good' or at least one of the more humane members of the BA trying to end it as a final death wish.  I mean, if he was actually dying, he would KNOW he is dying (he is forescenic person after
all), so would saying Tyger Tyger to Lisbon really 'save' him in anyway
if he knew he was going to die anyway
? Or was he trying to alert Lisbon to the
Blake Association? If so how much did he know and why did RJ kill him?

So I'm wondering what fans think of Partridge either being a.....

a) SECRET SPY OFF THE RADAR i.e. getting killed because he found out about the Blake Association (and possibly dets on RJ if it turns out RJ is related to the BA, which most would presume he is in some manner or another). I like the sounds of this but it's too similar to what happened with Kirkland so my heart is saying there must be more to it... Heller wouldn't repeat same scenario twice.

b) BAD PRISONER him being killed as a way to expose the Blake Association?  This would make sense if he is a member which we have been lead to believe with the burned arm/tattoo. He was killed by RJ (or a follower on orders) bc he was some sort of threat to the organization. Knew too much or wanted to leave? Or RJ wanted to prove to Patrick he would kill ppl on his list of 7? Just ideas, not sure about this one...


c) GOOD PRISONER: He was a member of the Blake Association b/c he needed a cover up once early in his career, but knew how bad the organization was overall for society ... or maybe he didn't know at first, but eventually found he was working for a notorious serial killer and got nauseous about it... so overall knew the whole organization is in terrible moral methodology so he therefore wanted to expose the BA .... especially since he knew he was going to die anyway!

I think "C" makes the most sense given the evidence (specifically what he said to Lisbon and the tattoo presumably - but not for sure- being removed). But I am wondering what others think about why Partridge was killed. Remember RJ only kills men who get in the way....

Hit Green if you think Partridge was trying to alert Lisbon of the Blake Association! Red if you still believe him to be RJ or just a low life member with no good intentions.

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