Who is Red John?

Theory #12411 • by Hll


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


Ew, who's FOOT was that?   

1) And who was shot?  And WHO did the shooting?  And who planted the bomb?

2) How many people are actually really dead?  One foot only confirms one body.

3)  How did some of them get blown to bits and the rest stay completely in tact?  Seemed unrealistic to me that Patrick, Smith and Bertram didn't lose even a finger.  Bertram stood right next to Haffner and McAllister who were killed but he walked away without a scratch?  I don't get it.  

4)  Bertram is a top Tyger Tyger guy -- maybe even THEE guy at the top -- but WHOA...I did NOT see his level of violence coming.  When he killed the bartender, it was brutal.  Very few moments have ever made me wince, but that was one of the them.  Rough.

5)  BUT Don't think Bertram is RJ [and not sure everyone is really dead].

6) Still too many unanswered questions.  Wish there could a few more characters from the past, like Frye and Harker, to explain more.  

7) Partridge had the tattoo but it was ripped off his arm?

8) Not entirely liking the progression of this much.  Anyone feeling the same?

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