1. Hand is exactly the same, with that diagonal vein popping out.
2. Hat on couch explains bomb:
- Brought into the house in his hat
- Exploded on couch, killing Stiles and Haffner
- 3 Blake members were on the far wall lined up - and those three were furthest from the blast, hence they survived. Smith was barely hurt (until shot by Lisbon) and Bertrum not hurt at all. So it stands to reason that McAllister was not hurt much either. How could he be blown to a charred non identifiable million pieces, but was standing right next to the other two that were unharmed?
- DNA evidence likely also planted within his hat for the cops to find.
3. Pidgeon in the church during the confrontation between McAllister and Jane. This may have something to do with McAllister extricating himself from that situation leading to the big chase, ending in the park with the final RJ killing.
4. other pictures from promo show person who looks most similar to McAllister