Who is Red John?

Theory #11791 • by bettyboo


Gale Bertram

Gale Bertram
Suspected in 460 theories


I'm beginning to believe its not bertram. But hey one thing to mention the LIST the encrypted list? What is it why is it there? Is it the list of janes and that's just evidence he is red john or is it the REAL LIST. Bertram seems high up in the ranks of TT why is he. Why didn't they ask Reede About Bertram and his ranking? Why he wasn't killed. Imagine if they pulled a stunt and it was Reede all along? Somehow he escaped. 

Maybe it is bertram. Maybe he was going to get out but then changed his mind. I can't believe I am saying this but I actually want partridge as Red John. I think he is dead but at this point I will take the twist. And why are we told there is no twist but then we get spoiled that there is.
My heads spinning I need to rewatch to see what happened.

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