Who is Red John?

Theory #11263 • by PelterSkelter


Grace Van Pelt

Grace Van Pelt
Suspected in 303 theories


Ok, firstly is it just me or does RJ not really fit a career serial killer profile? Using friends and proxies (sure, Manson, noted) but as far as your general SK type, I'm really struggling. I do have memory issues so I admit keeping it all straight in my head is difficult, but what serial killer leaves question marks over killings when he has such a defined signature. If anyone wants to breakdown timelines and methods, I wouldn't complain :)
Secondly, some of the theories on here are amazing. I secretly wonder if BH had the next ep pulled deliberately coz he needed to re-do some scenes based on inconsistencies you guys have theorized.

Also, to those that keep calling people names and abusing them for their thoughts, I hope the reveal helps validate you...seeing as you take it so seriously!

Me, I'm just enjoying the ride :)

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