I can't help but to keep going back to what Patrick said on the tv show that got red john to kill his family because he just killed his family not him something he said was right he said lives in a single story blue house with a citrus tree out front and I've watched fire and brimstone three times and keep coming back to the scene where Patrick sends a text to McAllister and he is walking out of the Napa valley blue oak substation the sign is clear in the shot so is his cop car out front that says Napa valley. If you have watched the show you know when they give these readings they are never exact but in a round about way the description is somewhat right that's what makes it seem psychic it may be nothing but who knows the diner Lisbon met gaff er in was called the reyn diner. Just seeing if anyone else has noticed stuff like this because this is the type of things that are hidden in plain sight.