Everyone has good theories who red john is so I won't bother repeating instead just bring up things that might help at the very beginning in pj interview that got his family killed he said he lives in a singal story blue house with a citrus tree out front and probably lives with his sister or mother maybe he got something right and got some kind of attention from him then I rewatched lastnights episode and it never fails there are a lot of diners in the show but look at the name of the one McAllister goes in its called the blue diner so maybe we should look back at some of the other diner names and right before Jared Renfrew ran off didn't they pull up in front of a diner. Just a thought and he is the sheriff of Napa valley. I think we are made to think Red all the time that we miss the importance of blue it wouldn't be like wheres waldo if we could see it that easy somehow blue means something.