Who is Red John?

Theory #10549 • by Mystic Ryan


Unrevealed suspect

Unrevealed suspect
Suspected in 1k+ theories


I am Mystic Ryan. I travelled back in time to give you spoilers. Here goes:

1. Brett Partridge is Red John; leader of Tiger, Tiger

2. Ray Haffner, in Visualise is RJ's friend and killer associate. He was in the door opposite.

3. Michael Kirkland killed Jason Lennon.

4. Reede Smith killed Michael Kirkland.

5. Reede Smith, Gail Bertram and Sherriff Thomas McAllister turned out to be undercover agents in "Tiger, Tiger."

6. Bret Stiles is RJ's father.

7. "Brett Partridge" was just another alias.

8. Brett Partridge was related to Elise Vogelsong.

9. Patrick Jane is related to Brett Partridge.

10. Patrick kills Brett Partridge in "MacArthur Park."

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