Who is Red John?

Theory #10253 • by ch_d4rK


Reede Smith

Reede Smith
Suspected in 124 theories


Ok, so leading up to episode 7, i dug into the "Great Red Dragon". Turns out the Great Red Dragon is the symbol for the beast(Satan). This is Revelations 17:3 from the Christian Bible. So interested enough i started to read a bit. After reading I compiled a list of verses from keywords in the title "Fire and Brimstone", episode 6. I did a search on fire and brimstone but the most interesting verse i found was Revelations 13:13.

There is a bit of interesting information describing the actions of the "Beast". The Beast created signs in front of the people and it was allowed to live anonymously amongst society. I am guessing this is the whole "tiger tiger" scheme. Then at the end of the chapter it says : " This calls for wisdom : let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. So i am guessing the one with understanding is Patrick. The man, Red John. So I looked at the number and realized that it was now Season 6, episode 6. So I went to the episode and scrolled to the sixth minute, Season 6, episode 6, minute 6 and to my amusement it was exactly the scene where Reede Smith was looking at the hanged body.

So I am probably on a wild goose chase but hey, i am just as curious to find out who Red John is! So make of it as you please haha.

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