Who is Red John?

Theory #10150 • by whokilledbob


Brett Partridge

Brett Partridge
Suspected in 1k+ theories


does somebody remember back in the finale of season 5 that lisbon briefly said that a specific song reminds her of her mother feeding pigeons? its when PJ and lisbon are discussing the fact that RJ killed one of PJs happy memories. 
is it not odd that in 6X02 ending they sit next to a woman feeding pigeons and we also get to see PJ watching the woman, acting strange, focusing on her hands. 

i think brett is very much alive. i havent doubted for a second that he is RJ and i think he is following PJ. not to only to spy on him but because he likes him very much and wants to be his friend and companion. 

park scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=772FU_fAjj4
memory scene: 

its pretty odd..

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