Brett Partridge fakes his death but before dying utters "Tiger, Tiger" as the first fake clue to throw Jane off the right track. He pulls distracts Lisbon with a door opening trick and then pulls her from underneath with the intention of knocking her out. He then gets his corrupted disciples in the work force to carry out a dead body which isn't his knowing that Jane would be too distracted caring for Lisbon then to check the sites for clues that the death was a fake. Brett Partridge then hires an amateur lady to bug the office and when she fails as expected he goes over to her house with the three-dotted tattoo on his left shoulder purposely revealed and fatally wounds her but doesn't slit her throat so that she can tell Patrick Jane that the killer (he suspects to be Red John) is a member of Tiger, Tiger (when really his isn't). Brett Partridge knows Patrick Jane will want to group everyone into a room to reveal their tattoos and then once that happens he can blow them all up at the same time and be rid of them which is what his plans were as stated in the promo for the next episode.