Who is Red John?

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Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Red john and visualize are very closely related .
Either they are in cahoots or sworn enemies.

Think about rjs followers.
They all had tramadic experiences (usually caused by rj) that brought about a "new awakening" inside of them.
They think that their loss was a blessing becuase it opened their EYES and created their new self.
That sounds very visualize like.
Also, very odd that brett styles was being hunted by the fbi for murders 30 years ago all at the same exact time patrick was closing in on the BA.

Either red john has his own cult that is rival to visualize . A more hardcore version of visualize so to speak.
Or red john is in visualize and its all the same cult.

Either way i think we are gonna delve into the visualize world very soon.
We havent heard a peep about them or their new leader whomever it may be .

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If you think Macalister is red john thats just fine. If you think he is red john and want to read opposing theory's that is great. But why come to this site whoisredjohn.com if you want to simply make fun of people who think something else is going on?
If your so sure of yourself that Macalister is red john why just rehash what actually happened on the show? We all saw episode 8. Yea we all know Macalister was red john for that single episode . We don't need to be reminded .

But people on this site have A LOT of great theory's and clues that show that Macalister MAY not be red john. Respect them.
And if bruno heller made a great show for 5 seasons why would you assume that he automatically started to suck?
You really think it is LOGICAL that the highest rated tv program in the WORLD would just make up clues for fun? Thats a silly way of thinking don't you think?
If Macalister was red john don't you think the show would discuss it a little more ? They have been so hush hush about everything that transpired at Patricks house and after.
They are being secretive because were are getting ready for a bomb filled with surprises ! Tick tick tock

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I just read that Ardiles will be in the next episode . Maybe the conspiracy gvp and rigsby uncover is a group of corrupt lawyers and judges . Judge manchester comes to mind .

I have a huge feeling that "the golden hammer" again hammer is a judge reference , is going to be a great episode .
We are gonna be left with a huge cliffhanger before the show goes on another dreaded break.

Funny jane doesn't ask much about his old friends gvp and rigsby right ? I wonder why?
And we know that those two are being written off the show but i have a question...

*if the mentalist isn't signed on for next year yet season 7 then why did they release that gvp and rigsby did not sign on? Aren't all the characters not signed on yet?
I think they released that info on purpose to show us something crazy is going to happen.
They already have a new job and a new baby so it cant be anything along those lines so what else is there ?
I see lisbon taking them out for jane them giving him a long awaited kiss!

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Sheriff McAllister ain't wearin any cowboy boots when he's gettin killed. Red John? Mmmm... NO.

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"I grew a foot in my senior year.""People used to pick on me.""I got drunk. I blacked out. I killed someone. Who hasn't been there?"Shall I state the obvious??? Clark Kent is Red John, and only smooth brained plebeian trolls would tolerate the idea that RJ is dead. Lorelei Martins rear-ended Clark Kent while he was on stake out, but she came to check on him with the gun pointed away from the car and away from the injured Mr. Kent. This is an odd way to make sure someone is down and out, doen cha think? I want to know where the class ring is from in the "Red Barn" episode, and where Clark went to school! British Royal Academy, perhaps? 

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Outside the box.

There has yet to be a good explanation of how redjohn guessed janes list.
I dared to use my imagination and thought that maybe lorelie and jane made the tape together .
I came to this conclusion by watching jane then watching Lisbon, and then looking at cause and effect.

-Jane was not affected by this crazy turn of events. The word apathetic seems to fit his response to the whole situation.
-Lisbon on the other hand flips the f out ! As of coarse jane knew she would.
-Lorelie congratulates jane for having such a great memory to remember all those names and narrow it to 7.
Then she says "take out your list of 7, ill wait".
-so jane needs his list of 7 to remember even after he narrowed a list of thousands to 7??
-The tape was made for Lisbon!!
-lisbon freaks out and jane being so apathetic made her flip out even more.
Telling someone not to do what he knows they will do anyway. Jedi mind tricks.
-jane wanted Lisbon to tell the team.
This led to cbi being shut down after all 7 suspects were dealt with.
-van pelt and rigsby are the most hurt by this turn of events. They freaked out!
-jane didnt care at all that cbi was shut down.

Thats how i see it, call me names i dont care . Dare to believe !

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To mr jane
You have asked me that question 3 times and i have said i dont know each time.
He may of used accomplices .

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