Who is Red John?

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Wayne Rigsby

Wayne Rigsby
Suspected in 231 theories


Plot holes in my head
Lorelie martins went to kill red john for killing and RAPING HER SISTER . Now red john is not a rapist first if all. He is a pimp who gets women to do anything for him.

Lorelie went to see rj to kill him yet when she made the video she said red john is very mad for me telling you that you guys shook hands!? So hes not mad she tried to kill him? Or maybe she never tried ?
I believe tiger tiger killed her sister and macalister was "playing" red john raped her . He seems like a rapist right? Remember he tried to rape van pelt basically ?

And the biggest clue was the giant picture of a woman with the word ALive written on it right before you see her body without her throat slit ;)

My point: red john isnt a rapist look it up
Did tt make her make the video?
Or maybe rj and lorlie were just giving jane clues about tiger tiger. Questionable .

The mere thought that red john has a 3 dot tattoo is insane .
Doesnt strike me as a man who sips tea and reads at all right ?

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I think that Red john was never roy tagliafaro. He just drew the face to throw jane off coarse. This gets confusing but it has to do with the tanner family . This name comes up a lot . They owned the visualize farm. The brother of tanner comes into play in the dumar episode. Tanner was building the farm, this is why he smells of pine . He was with Rosalind during this time . Then red john bought the farm as dumar says .
When rosaline said he left without saying why or returning is because his daughter was murdered. I forget what episode it was but he had to be with his family when this happened. Red john was messing with jane by putting the smiley face there .
Think about it . Why would he be bangin Rosalind and then draw a face . If he was with her he would wanna hide it. BUT he wasnt with her and drew his mark to show jane that he was there.

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Red john is wayne rigsby. Thats why he has bren so weird this season. This is why janr hasnt said two words to rigsby all season. Why he helped the fbi. Why he and van pelt were scared when the fbi got there .
They are both in visualize .
They will be killed this season by my guess lisbon.

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New guy will decode bertrams usb like u said but he will turn out to be a follower of red john. Thats why he found jane, hes looking for him. And he may be related to rigsby aka mr red john

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So no way the concussion bomb didnt knock out macaluster too right ?
Macilister was knocked out like everyone else . Red john and his helper i assume dragged all the bodys out and red john being an arson specialist (rigsby) set the real bomb off.

I have a feeling styles knows so much about red john because rj was or is in visualize.
Red john let styles who may be his father , and haffner , possibly his brother lol go.
Before styles left he hypnotized macalister .
This would explain macalister seeming weird and having those googly eyes from the church scene .
Also the pigeon may have had a bigger affect from him being in a trance.
Styles haffner rigsby van pelt are all on my watch list.
Re watch this season and look at everything rigsby said and does
Also go back and watch the episode where kristins frye is taken
Listen to rigsbys response when lisbon was explaining to him how they were handling kristinas watch.
Then think about how she was taken and who coulda pulled it off since she left on her own and was "lured" out. Possibly a trusting face led her???

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My biggest problem with the red john episode was the whole concussion bomb thing

Wouldnt the bomb knock out macalister too? And after it did knock him out he carried all those bodies by himself ?
My theory is red john did the bomb. And styles or rj hypnotized macalister . I know its crazy but how would the bomb not affect the sheriff?

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Dont be afraid to post your red john theorys here , let the haters hate.
It seems i have a red john obsessed freak on my hands.
Hey stan why are u so mad?

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