Who is Red John?

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The serial killers name is Lazerus.  Funny that he comes from the Book of John in the "Gospel".  I never really looked into stuff like this on the Mentalist, but I figured there would be something. hah Probably just something to get people excited for no reason. lol

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Hey guys,
I wanted to say that I've just finished the whole series!
I've read in this site about how the show gone wrong and how they ruined it, I honestly didn't know what you were talking about and I said to myself I should finish the sixth season the come back here to see what's the fuss is all about,
and to be honest I totally DISAGREE with anyone who said that they ruined the show,
Catching "Red John" in the early episodes of the show was a MUST,
so they can show you how Jane will move on with his life what so ever,
I honestly think that the sixth season was pretty amazing,
the new cast and the new events all of that,
I got sick of Red John and how he gets away in every season finale,
anyway, Im so excited about the new season!
I think it would be a little weird for Jane and Lisbon to date and work together but Im so excited about it,
and the final episode of season six was the best season finale ever!!!

Cheers guys!

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For shits and giggles, I took a look at some Gotham reviews [but have not watched the show nor will I ever -- I may not be able to stop the Mentalist addiction against my better mind, but I don't have to start another hellish Heller experience]...

and what I found is a recent article titled: "Gotham Should Be Renamed "The Penguin Show"  that goes like this...

"...the Penguin has crawled his way back to Gotham, and found a high-ranking spot in the crew of Salvatore Maroni (David Zayas), the biggest rival to reigning Don Carmine Falcone (John Doman). At the end of “Penguin’s Umbrella,” the limping, slippery gangster met with Falcone (at his chicken coop) and confirmed that he’d been working for him all along."

SERIOUSLY?!  LMFAO...and I mean, LAUGHING...one year after Heller's PIGEON takes down a mastermind....he's got a new show with "Penguin" and his rival is..."Falcon?" And they meet in Falcon's chicken coop?  I have to say it again.....SERIOUSLY?!

Is Heller BIRD OBSESSED OR WHAT?!  And isn't Gotham supposed to be a Batman-less Batman story?  Clearly, "someone" is more interested in the BIRDS on this show than the BAT.

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Okay, so the show's coming back, sooner rather than later.

It's almost against my will that I am going to watch, as I'd really like to forget this show ever existed.  But I know I will tune in, the fools that CBS knows I am -- because old habits die hard, and there must be some dopamine release in my brain whenever I see the CBI/FBI team racing around to solve a mystery.  

However, I'm not getting my panties into a wad with elaborate theories on how RJ will come back because that hope disappeared with the Jibson kiss...of death.  


"You are an evil, sexually perverted sociopath with pathetic delusions of grandeur" [emphasis on pathetic]....to want to see a relationship akin to brother and sister.....that almost zero romantic build up in 5 years prior...to be consummated....

That Heller, Baker and the lot from The Mentalist did an about face last year to please the "ravings" of the "squalid ego maniac Jibsoners," rendering the RJ storyline a footnote of nothingness...will forever be...well....forever....and the rest is "just details"...

They know and I think we know that it really can't be undone at this point, and bringing back anything involving RJ would be like admitting they fucked up.....and I'm here to say that a trip down memory lane with some old characters is nothing more than putting lipstick on the pig...eon...

So, do I expect much from this season besides car chases, a new love interest for Cho and lots of innuendo for what they will never deliver?  Nope, I don't.  

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Season 7 Will get air in 30th November 2014.


Jimmy Gadd on twitter:

It's very exciting, so that meant CBS will have a promo soon! Sad news is that it's our last season. But hey! We'll go out with a bang.


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I've been reading some of the excellent theories, thoughts and reflections on this site.

The problem for me is to isolate what I think will happen from what I want to happen.

I would like to hope that:

The last season was a "long con" - an attempt to lead everyone in the wrong direction and to set us up for a surprise in season 7.

Or, maybe, they thought that the show was about to be cancelled and tried to wrap everything up in a hurry, but left space for an alternative resolution in case they got another season to play with.

Or, they were lazy and cynical in their approach to wrapping-up both the Red John and the "will they, wont they" Jisbon arc but will revise their plan due to protests from the fan-base and (perhaps) from the cast / writers.

If any of the above are the case then we can look forward to a cracking seventh season. They will have had time to finish off the Red John story-line with style. Maybe they could begin with the murder of Lisbon. Perhaps RJ waited until Patrick dared to love again before striking against him a second time?

Also, we should see the return of Lorelei. The ONLY way she could have known the names of Patrick's suspects was that her death was faked (remember, Patrick had not finalised the list until after her death).

Brett Stiles should also return. His death was obviously faked, plus he knows way too much about Red John. He probably also knows who he is. Maybe he uses him to dispose of people? 

It is also likely that someone close to Jane and Lisbon was in the (stupid, stupid, stupid) Blake society. (This really was a low point - can you really imagine a secret group of corrupt cops running around quoting William Blake to each other?)

In the final reveal I suspect that RJ is someone you would least suspect - Rigsby or GVP, etc.

OK, so that is my desire - now what I think will happen:


More Jisbon crap.

More murder-of-the-week high-jinks.

And the grande finale? The wedding of the year!

A third possibility is that Cho will finally flip-out and get shot holding up a liquor store :)

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*********************HAPPY DANCE?**************************

The Mentalist will get a blast from Patrick Jane's past as the series comes to a close.

Ominous Episode 8 Title Confirmed For 'The Mentalist', When Will Filming Begin?

The CBS drama will conclude it's run at the end of season 7, and two of Jane's old circus pals will return in episode 9.

Titled "Copper Bullet," the Tom Donaghy penned story will reintroduce
viewers to Samantha (Tangie Ambrose) and Pete Barsocky (M.C. Gainey).
Both character's previously appeared in season 3's "Cackle-Bladder
Blood" and season 5's "Red John's Rules."

'The Mentalist' Season 7: 'Awesome' Finale Run In Store, Tim Kang Explains

"YOU ASKED!? Guess whose coming back to The Mentalist!?" Ambrose tweeted on Thursday. "SAM!!!!!!! WHOOO hoooo!!!!"

While Ambrose doesn't know what Sam will be up to during "Copper Bullet," she did reveal that filming will begin on Oct. 27.

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