Who is Red John?

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To Partridge fans, I think they might agree:

The woman who attacked Jane in the church looked a lot like Partridge, no? As we gathered from Pigeon Lady in the park, Partridge does like to dress like a woman, so is it not possible that Partridge came dressed like a woman again? Just in time, as always. She/He is the real Red John. Maybe Red John is a cross dresser, that's why we missed all the Waldo moments. McAllister was no Waldo, so it must be Partridge in women's clothes roaming around the screen. You should all go back and find more Partridge-dressed-as-a-woman moments in past seasons.


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Did you see this crap?

"One of my favorite things about this episode was the pigeon gag in the
chapel. The pigeon gag is a plot device that could only work on The
Mentalist - Playful, unexpected, a little preposterous, but eminently

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It is really hard to move on and accept this ending, but
I believe that Bruno planed all this.

This is not a theory, is more like an observation and I
wanted to see if people agree with me.

Let’s back up a little, remember the season 4 finale when
Patrick fakes a break down to get RJ to approach him. It took months of preparation
and a lot of work to Patrick have a chance to get closer to RJ, and it didn’t
work. Using this logic, to catch RJ, Patrick would have to have a big plan to
trick and misdirect RJ. Maybe Patrick already knows who RJ is or maybe not, but
he needs a big plan to fool RJ.

Like most people, I would be satisfied with McAllister being RJ, but he should
have found him, tricked and outsmarted RJ, that’s the whole style of the
series. Almost is every episode Patrick solves crimes having elaborated plans,
always tricks people into his traps, I don’t see how the catch of the most important
criminal in the series could be different 

One more observation. Since the beginning of the series
we now that RJ’s followers admire him and his work, they would do everything
that RJ wanted, and when I look at the Blake association, it doesn’t look like
RJ’s thing, they are just corrupt cops very organised. I know that RJ could be
the boss and as we know that the Blake association works in an anonymous way,
they wouldn’t know about their leader and that his is RJ. I don’t know, for me
this doesn’t fit. I do think that when at the end of season 2 RJ say the tiger
tiger poem, he was warning Patrick about the Blake association 

Please give me your thoughts on this, and let’s hope for
the best, hope this wonderful show doesn’t become a disappointment like lost or
prison break

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So my theory is that Jane Patrick is going to become a marathon runner from chasing JR throughout the whole season...he's always running.
In the last episode after he'd just killed JR, he is seen running in his suit and there are rumors going around that in the next episode it will begin the same except he will not be in his suit but in running clothes.
The whole series is about to change from solving crimes to a more quirky, spunky feel where Jane finally is free.

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After watching Episode 8,  i think that even If Red John was revealed as Justin bieber it would still be a better closure than what they did, i mean seriously a one armed monkey could have written and directed a better episode.

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I think the key here is the lady that attacked Patrick with the knife. she was sent by RJ, (maybe) not to kill Patrick but to save sheriff Mcallister's life. When she walked in, Mcallister yelled "help, he is going to kill me" like he didnt know who was there. if he was red john, he would have like a escape plan or something.

Even if he was RJ and his "escape plan" was that guy oscar, what is with the lady? who is she? 

I also though that, ok maybe everything isn't this complicated, and Mcallister is RJ, but after Patrick hit the lady, Mcallister ran out and patrick went after him, after that  we saw the lady leaving, she didnt go to save Mcallister's (RJ) life, (what i think should be the priority doesnt matter if she get caught, or even killed) she just took off like it didnt matter anymore, like the plan fall. 

Just a theory, comment what you guys think, i'd like to see your opinion... BTW: Sorry for my english, is not my native language.

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I think we underestimate Heller. Even if he and the cast have made statements about the ending, it's because they are supposed to, in order to
confuse us.

you remember the episode when Jane kills the wrong Red John in the shopping
mall? It's something like that again.

mean, come on, we have many questions unanswered and the moment between Jane
and his biggest enemy wasn't enough. Not to mention that he begged for his life
(Seriously? This is the dangerous and ruthless Red John who leads the Blake
Association? And where were his followers to protect him?)

I have
a strong feeling we'll have many surprises.............

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