Who is Red John?

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I refuse to accept that ths was the end of RJ story.
BH said that he presented RJ like that because serial killers are not that interesting.....
Then why he dedicated 6years of his life revolving around one??
And he is always very thorough. So why would he leave the most important dark figure, Patrick"s nemesis" story go
And let's talk about the sheriff. He never once admitted he"s RJ now,did he?
Just BA" s head.
Never admitted that he killed Patrick"s family. He just said that it was Patrick"s fault they are dead.
And I don't thnk he said he is a psychic, the said he has a psychic.
And not a shred of explanation as why he did what he did. Why is that?
And cried like a baby, begged for his life? Is that the RJ BH really wants
people to remember?.....why??
Maybe I live in a pink cloud, but I truly believe that somehow it just ain't over...
Or maybe Im just delluting myself....

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To elaborate on my recent theory ... http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/15796

I will first say that there are sentiments & statements from Bruno that quite clearly express Red John being dead and how the fact that Red John was slightly disappointing (even to Patrick) was by design because he says serial killers really aren't that interesting. Those sentiments and statements are hard to fight off I will be honest but there is nothing that says a writer cannot lie (the writers of Lost did). I also believe that Bruno felt very compelled to provide the audience with closure and if he was in fact still playing us he would have to make it extremely believable.

There is one thing in particular that is bugging me, keeps me theorizing and seriously considering the false nature of Red John's death ...

The voice ... I will use a "fake" conversation between myself and Bruno to convey my points ... anything underlined is an actual quote from Bruno ... and obviously I mean no disrespect to Bruno ...

Me: Bruno, how long have you known the identity of Red John?
Bruno: I’m not sure. It kind of just emerged over the last couple years. There was always three or four possibilities. And it just happened, really. It seemed like the natural correct choice.
Me: At what point did Xander Berkley know he was to play Red John?
Bruno: At the very last moment and he was thrilled
Me: So he didn't know over 3 and a half years ago during Season 2 when he spoke to Patrick face to face in Episode 23 "Red SKy in the Morning?
Bruno: What?
Me: Nothing, let's move on ...
Me: Is it possible that you could be confusing "the last couple years" with about 4 years?
Bruno: I suppose, why do you ask?
Me: Was that Xander Berkley's real voice when he said "it's totally fair, games over I won"
Bruno: Yes, yes it was.
Me: That voice appeared about 4 years ago
Bruno: Is that a question?
Me: No I guess it isn't
Bruno: What are you saying?
Me: That you and Xander Berkley knew a long time ago that he was going to be Red John. Why would you lie about that?
Bruno: Ok it wasn't really his voice, he was lip sinking
Me: So who does the Red John voice?
Bruno: That's classified 
Me: Classified? Bruno, Red John is dead. I just want to know who the actor is. I'm simply curious
Bruno: This interview is over
Me: Bruno! Please!
Bruno: Ok, we used __________'s voice because we didn't know who Red John was going to be. Once we decided we figured everyone would just assume is was his voice or we would lip sink to make it look real
Me: That doesn't make a whole lot of sense Bruno
Bruno: You don't make sense
Me: That's because you have twisted my mind into an oblivion with this show!
Bruno: Thank you

The next thing that is bugging me is a little more of a stretch and it's the very last scene from the "Red John" episode. When writers have plans that they hide from the audience and the audience can only theorize about they have to be ambiguous about the clues and leads they give as to not give away anything but none the less they have to be direct enough for us to look back and say "ah ha! that makes sense"

In the last scene there is very peaceful yet mysterious music playing and the camera scans away from Patrick and over to people in the park.

Mother daughter - nice music

Older couple - still music

Music comes to climax with a subtle but long and off sounding violin note and then ...

Very deliberate creepy guy standing very confidently with his hands behind his back watching a child, his daughter perhaps ...

I understand the whole "life goes on" scene that writers use the fade out into credits but that scene is a bit too deliberate and weird (especially with that off violin note). Please tell me what sense it makes to have a musical conclusion with very redemptive, peaceful, bittersweet, final yet mysterious music that moves into a climactic creepy tone while viewing inconsequential strangers. 

Maybe I am giving the writers too much credit and they are just doing weird things that don't make sense or they lost there magic but they seemed quite capable for 5 + seasons. I know that if Red John is not dead the writers and Bruno would have to go to extraordinary lengths to make it realistic. Perhaps even to lie and get agitated about further Red John talk because of course "Red John is dead we are past that point". If they did reveal that Red John is not dead at some poiny they would not be able to do it for a little while and when they did the audience would have no more concern for closure or "Red John fatigue" they would just be excited and it would magnificently conclude.

I can accept the fact that Red John is dead because I love the show and I love Patrick's adventures but it is out of respect for the writers that I cannot believe it.

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Season 7, episode 15 "The Red Band" (the penultimate episode of the entire show)

After letting emotions run fly, Jane, finally back on his feet after the incident 2 years ago, can't hold it in anymore.  He's more determined than ever to solve the case because he has to speak his mind. And after charmingly revealing the killer of the episode with his usual touch of wit (It turned out to be the deranged sister-in-law of the victim for monetary motives) He demands to speak with Teresa immediately.

It's late at night. Full moon.
They're in his attic upstairs. Alone.
Jane becomes nostalgic and brings up the best of times with her. Eventually he concludes he still has cares for his long-lost family but it's not that kind of love anymore; it's spiritual.
He knows that it's now ok to express romantic feelings to another woman other than his beloved wife.
Lisbon is taken aback understandably, not quite sure what to do.
Jane declares his love for her right there and then. It's always been there since day 1 but he admits his feelings have grown immensely in the past weeks.
He takes her. One hand on her pelvis and the other on the jugular. Staring. Caressing. Never has there been such an unawkward moment between them with this amount of tension and silence. It's real. They're in the moment. He moves from her neck to her eyebrows, and eventually strokes her perfect zygomatic arch. They're a breath apart.
He kisses her. Just kisses her. Like teenage crushes for the first time. [commercial break]

Lisbon is helpless; frozen with butterflies. Patrick, drawing away, utters those three words and tells her he needs some time alone now. 
Feeling unsure of his actions he returns home to seek guidance or an epiphany of sorts to confirm if his wife is ok with this. And as per, he boils the kettle to spark the hallucinogenics he requires.

Meanwhile Teresa is still lovestruck in her office. It's nearly midnight and no one is in the CBI headquarters - or so it seems.
[enter Ray Haffner] (RJ disciple presumed dead since the explosion 2 years ago)
He's fuming. Ropable. But contained enough to speak with her.
He explains how his almighty mentor cut him a deal to keep him alive during the explosion and how he gave up his "life" over his lust for Teresa - all for Red John. He's been stalking her nearly every day and has only grown in his love for her. She's defenseless, and after tussling with Ray (breaking his Visualize band), she is forced back to Haffner's house.
He ties her up and begins pondering the life they could have had together and not with Patrick and all is patheticness. 

All this is happening while Jane is reaching his delusions and is communicating with his wife. She is ok with the idea of their relationship and leaves Patrick with a final message to "go see her now - she needs you, my dear Patrick". Questioning the reality of what just happened, Jane always goes with the flow and begins to look for Lisbon who is absent at headquarters. As he anxiously leaves he finds a broken Visualize band. He puts two and two together and realise she is grave danger. 

Now Jane thinks quickly and phones former Agent Van Pelt who still happens to have the computer skills necessary to track down the location of Lisbon. And within 10 minutes he arrives at Haffner's house. He breaks down the door and pulls his gun on Haffner who has taken advantage of a bloodied and bruised Lisbon. *BANG*
*soft, eerie, unquestionable voice* 
"I thought we agreed for you to lay low, Haffner. It's a real shame - you were my best servant"
Red John lowers his gun but Patrick still has back turned to the door.
Patrick tries to slowly turn his head until he is intervened 
"up-pupupp.. Patrick, you turn around when I want you to turn around. Understand?"
Patrick, a midst the fear, has a sly grin on his face because he finally just realised the true identity of his good friend. 

"What's the matter, Patrick? Cat got your tongue? Nevermind that. How about you meet me alone at this location in 20 minutes." *slides up behind Jane and slips a piece of paper in his jacket pocket*
"I know you'll be alone because we have such great mutual respect for each other, isn't that right, Patrick?" 
And after whispering another William Blake reference in his ear, he playfully slaps Jane twice on the cheek with the infamous rubber glove before leaving. 
Commence episode 16, the ultimate episode, titled "The Red Showdown"... 

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Was Thomas McAllister Red John?

The case for:
- He has been in the series since (nearly) the beginning
- His relationship with Jane has always had an undercurrent of distrust
- He was a leading member of the Blake Assoc.
- To have the 'bad guy' outted as a weakling who begs for his life makes a certain sense (like the Wizard of Oz when the curtain is drawn back to reveal the real wizard, or Rebecca De Winter) - the Red John we have believed in, is the Red John that Patrick has created for us
- Heller has mentioned in an interview that he only knew who Red John was in the last year(s) and so it makes sense that the ending is a little sloppy and ultimately disappointing

The case against:
- I am skeptical that McAllister has the power, intelligence, charm or charisma to manipulate so many people (including Patrick)
- There are too many unanswered questions (they've been listed on various theories, but my top ones are):
1. Where is Michael Kirkland?
2. Was it Michael or Robert Kirkland that killed Jason (it makes little sense for Robert to kill him, if he was hunting for RJ himself)
3. Was it Michael or Robert Kirkland that got shot in the back?
4. What was wrong with Lisbon's arm in s5?
5. Is Lisbon a member of the Blake Assoc (she did play poker with some high-ranking officials in s5)
6. Was it really Partridge in the final frame of s6 e8?

Either way:
Red John has achieved what he may have set out to achieve, he has made Patrick a murderer, first Timothy Carter now McAllister, to underline how similar he and Patrick actually are.

I would love to think this is part of a well thought out twisty-plot, and that it will unravel beautifully in the remaining episodes. I would especially like to think that we haven't been carrying on our own investigations, in our own homes, based on false clues.

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I don't what to get the answers for all questions. Only one:

What the fuck is "... A HIGHER PATH, A NOBLER EXISTENCE" which Red John was inviting Jane into?

Well the higher path can at least be explained with the slight ramp they were both climbing before Jane kills him :))))

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There is a lot of haters on this site now. Why?To start with, Bruno Heller does not owe us nothing. It is his show and has done as he pleases. You haters think you can do it better? Well here is a hint: Fundraise the money to filming a 42min episode, hire actors, camera men, equipments, everything and get it aired on tv. And yes, expect anti-haters to rant and criticize your point of view because, and you know it, that will happen too.As far as I am concern I have started rewatching the entire show now and I tell you, haha, it is a lot better now. ( just try this S03E09 to start with and you have time start all over from S01E01)My only rant against S06E08 is Red John voice. Knowing it was Simon Barker´s voice, to my taste, they should have not dubbed McAllister´s voice. For me the best moment would have been right after Cordero shot Bertram. Just a funny voice coming from the back of the church. =)

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I like to think this is my grand opus:


It chronicles the Red John arc in music video form, until the bitter end (with a bit of humor at that part, starting 13 min in).

This show is basically over for me. I can't imagine Heller or anyone making up for the huge blunder of "Red John".

So long, The Mentalist. We'll always have the mall.

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