Who is Red John?

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Why didn't Jane go to Rosalind's house and call each of the suspects putting them on speaker phone?

He wouldn't be putting her at risk as a simple nod would do...

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anyone got the source code from cbs website for the next episode LOL??

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Is it so hard to understand that it's "would have" or "would've" instead of "would of"? Are some people just not able to use their brains or what's wrong with them? This is just so annoying. I mean what are you thinking when you type this? I fear that some of you are even native english speakers... I don't want to offend someone, but before you try to figure out who red john is with your "masterminds", you should rather try to understand the english grammar. I am from germany and I know that I make grammar mistakes too but this "would of" thing is just another way of saying "hey read my theory, I'm an extraordinary stupid person but I figured out who Red John really is!!!11"

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I knew McAllister was going to be Red John after Great Red Dragon episode because it was obvious he faked his death -- he stood next to Smith and Bertram, who walked away without a scratch, so he had to be alive.  The whole reveal and explanation of it was hardly surprising -- though Bertram's death scene was a good twist, he was "smart but dumb."

The reveal of Red John was very poorly done, lots of unanswered questions -- LOTS.  Why did McAllister tell Jane Tyger Tyger?  Why would he give himself away like that?  So much just still doesn't make ANY bit of sense. 

Red John's fear turns out to be Lisbon's favorite memory?  And Jane uses a pigeon as his ultimate weapon?  DUMB.  How did McAllister pull off Partridge and Lisbon in a house filled with pigeons if that was his fear?

And ALL that Jane wants to know is if McAllister is sorry?  Really, that's IT?!!  No OTHER questions?  Is that how Heller gets out of answering OUR questions?  By having Jane say he doesn't want to know anything? 

McAllister's death scene was pathetic.  Jane looked like he was ejaculating over McAllister.  It was just gross.  And "I really AM psychic!" are Red John's last words.  No, no, no....SOMETHING isn't right??!!


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Regardless of who we predicted Red John would be, I just want to say that my least favorite part of the reveal episode was having to watch a middle-aged guy who had been shot in the stomach run faster than I can...............

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I know this might sound very very weird, but in my opinion Red John is all of the 7 guys Jane thinks that are them suspects.
I don't have a lot to go with, but its just my opinion seeming as "Red John" has 7 letters, and there are 7 suspects.
Plus it would be kind of cool that if the 7th season was the last one :)

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So it's game over.

Hereby I'd like to post one final message in order to thank
- the creator(s) of this website. Good job!
- all the people who turned this place into a real detective-convention, sharing clues and witty remarks.
- the Partridge-guys, who maintained the comic relief factor in a principal way.

This Red John saga ended poorly, but these enthusiastic discussions at whoisredjohn.com made it worth the time anyway for me. Cheers!                                  

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