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What's happened to Erica Flynn?? She was hot on The Mentalist but on Homeland she is really frumpy with horrible hair and her whole face has changed..Not very attractive! Strange..:D

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I know there’s some trolling going on right now and I thinkt
that’s why people stop writing down their thoughts or questions. I guess a lot
of people still visit this website to see wethere there are some good new theories/thoughts
or the troll is still acting crazy. No offense Stoopkid. Kudos to you if Rigsby
really is RJ . But if that’s the case there will be more plotholes than before (RJ
= McAllister). For more information look up here: http://www.whoisredjohn.com/See-a-theory-Red-John/16713


Here are some of my thoughts and some of my questions and
thoughts. I hope you guys can help me out.

1.)  Why would every
BA member have a tattoo? Wouldn’t this be too obvious? If there are thousands
of law enforcement guys running around with a three dot tattoo on their
shoulder everybody would be suspicious. That means that the members of BA
always had to wear at least a t-shirt, never took a shower in the office
showers, never went to the open air pools, always had sex with a t-shirt on
(lol), and so on. The list could go on about 10 pages. They had to do
everything to hide the tattoo as much as possible. Why not just the „tyger tyger“
password? Why did they need a tattoo? They could just have made some special
hand signs and than saying „tyger tyger“? I don’t get it^^


2.)  Did Bob Kirkland know that Reede Smith
was BA? He says he did some researches on him. Did he somehow find out that his
crime got covered up by someone? In my opinion he’s acting like he knows. He
also knows that RJ is probably a member, too. So maybe he tries to get RJ
reveal himself to him. As long as we know the only law enforcement guy RJ ever
contacted several times was PJ. Maybe Bob Kirkland wanted RJ to contact him
somehow so he can find him or at least get some new clues.


3.) Bob Kirkland was obviously chewing something. What was that? Was it the „business
card“ of BA? He also looked around in the car. Maybe for a spot to hide it? But
if you look closely you can se it in his left hand when he jumps out oft he car
(at 1:50). So what was he hiding? Did he left a clue for PJ?

Reede Smith also says: „we had an eye on you for a long time“ How did they
found out what Bob Krikland knew about BA? Were there some BA members in Homeland
Security, too? So why didn’t they kill him earlier? He could have told
everybody what he found out. I think that Bob Kirkland had a bunch of clues and
informations about BA and even RJ beeing the head. 

4.) Why did RJ kill Brett Patridge? In my opinion he was one of the most useful
members to BA. He could hide every murder with false information. He was able
to switch DNA data for every BA member that needed to seem to be dead. So why
kill him off? Betram for sure was killed because the whole world thought he was
RJ. Going to the press and shout out that he is RJ was only a trick to lure the
true RJ out of the fog. But why Partridge?

5.) Why didn’t RJ kill Rosalind Harker? Why didn’t he get
mad with her when she told PJ things about „Roy Tagliaferro“? RJ always found
out what Jane gathered as new information. Is this really an alias of RJ? Or
did she meet with some one else? But why would RJ be with her? Did he truly
love her? That would be a risk for him, too. And why did he leave her without saying
anything? Except Rosalind Harker EVERY person that RJ was „friends“ with were
only pawns that were useful for him. He never cared about them and killed them
off when they failed/fulfilled their mission.


6.) Why did Bob Kirkland kill that guy? He could have get some informations
about RJ’s hiding place or something. Did he only care about his twin brother?
Did he want to know if he’s still alive and that’s all?

Why did they even mention a twin brother? This was on purpose. There’s a deeper
meaning in that. We know that his twin brother probably got attached to RJ and
is/was working for him. There were a lot of theories around here that said his
twin brother is still alive and is in fact RJ. Some people say we saw Michael
Kirkland on screen at least once covered up as Bob Kirkland. Maybe, maybe not.
What are your thoughts?

Bob Kirkland says that his brother is dead, that he thinks
RJ killed him (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFBVFdk_paM
– at 3:50). At 4:38 Bob Kirkland says: „This isn’t the best place to talk“.
Why? Is there some BA member around? It’s the last chance for him to give all
his information to PJ. He knows that he will die since he told Reede Smith what
he knows. So why didn’t he help the man that will probably  fulfill his own and there for his revenge?
Bob Kirkland would never ever have a chance again to hunt him down.

7.) Why the hell didn’t RJ have an escape plan? He always
acted carefully. He had at least a plan B and C and never showed up in person
or showing his face.  That woman who
appeared in the church was not a good help (I heard she was played by Robin
Tunney’s (Lisbon) sister?? So she is kind of the counterpart of Lisbon. That
makes Pj vs. RJ and Lisbon vs. Woman??).

8.) There has already been one imposter (Timothy Carter), so
there still could be a slight possibility that McAllister is a red herring,
too. But i doubt it. I don’t think that Xander Berkeley would go out of his
role and present himself as the main villian of a show and tell us how shocked
he was when he found out, just to fool the audience. I dont think any producer
would do something like this just to get a freaking „holy shit“ moment at the
end of the season when a red smiley is drawn on a wall and it seems that RJ is
still alive.

9.) And in the end a question that may even the creators don’t
know: How the Hell(er) did RJ guess PJ’s list months before?!...



I am a fan since the beginning and I have the feeling that
Brett Partridge was indeed RJ. They cancelled him off because people started to
find out even before season 5 and the list. By the way. Craig Corrigan (Bob
Kirkland) is a great actor! He always seemde creepy. I loved that even though i
knew he probably won’t be RJ. He made a great job. In my opinion he deserved
more screen time.

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Came across an interesting youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdfer_FQjLA featuring Zeena LeVay  --  her dad was Anton LeVay, founder of the Church of Satan 1966 -- TRUE STORY -- and it got pretty big at that time -- kind of like what Scientology is now, with celebrities..anyway...

Heller MUST have borrowed from this for sure...

Anton LeVay was a:
CARNIVAL GUY in his teenage years 
started a CULT with freaky rituals involving naked women
is referred to in the video as "A SHOWMAN"
Also called a "RECLUSE" -- because he started to send others in his place as he got older

Sounds a lot like BRET STILES  -- I wonder if BRET STILES HAD A CARNIE UPBRINGING, too?  

Oh, that's right, he's dead...LOL

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Red John is a cool, calm and calculated individual - An equal of Patrick Jane - McAllister wasn't.

Whenever someone who had met Red John spoke about him they would suggest he has a powerful demeanor, someone you don't mess with on a personal level, someone dark and who you would truely fear and sends a shiver down your spine.

Yes, McAllister was part of the Blake Organisation but if he was truly Red John i'm quite dissapointed as he just doesn't fit into what we know about him.

Season 2 Episode 23 Red Sky in the morning:

When Jane is tied up and Red John talks to him there is no way that can be McAllisters voice, it's too young and high pitched. Brett Partidge's voice is more like this but I think the whole list of 7 may just be part of Red Johns sick game in keeping one step ahead of Jane and now that Jane is back with the FBI, Red John will return (I hope!)

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Some unanswered questions, which I hope will all be answered in a *super-episode of brilliance*:

-- What was wrong with Lisbon's arm in s5? It was mentioned briefly, and never mentioned again (I think I said before, if they can semi-cover Amanda Righetti's pregnancy for a season, surely they can cover a real-life broken arm)

-- Why did GVP and Rigsby get married so quickly?

-- Who is Carmen Lee / Leigh? - this could be a hypnotists trigger word

-- Why does Haffner insist on touching people on the shoulder? - this is a well known touch trigger for hypnotists and NLP practitioners 

-- If Sheriff McA is deadly afraid of pigeons, how could he have killed Partridge and stunned Lisbon in that pigeon infested room?

-- Where is Kristina Frye, and could she be GVP's aunt?

-- Will we ever see GVP and Rigsby again?

-- Why has the title for ep13 not been released?

-- Did Jane really expect Lisbon not to tell GVP, and GVP not to tell Rigsby, and Rigsby not to tell Cho about the list? Of course not, as a master people-reader, he would have known... so was it even the correct list?

Questions I'm not bothered about:

-- How did RJ know the list? If PJ can create the list using logic, so can RJ - if the final point above is true, and Jane knew that the list would be shared, maybe he was looking to out a mole...

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