Who is Red John?

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I'm amazed that anyone would read and/or believe the interviews that Heller and the actors have given when the show isn't over yet.  How can you take any of it at face value?   

The Mentalist is one of the longest running mysteries ever, with RJ as one of the most memorable villains ever!  I can't think of a show that hid the identity of a character for nearly 6 years?!  Can anyone?  

So, because of that, the suspense of this show has been incredible, and I'm sure the media pumps Heller & co. for information every chance they get.  Heller, the writers and the actors are totally ON THE SPOT because of how much everyone wants to know!! What is Heller SUPPOSED TO SAY?  Tell us the ending? 

"So Heller, is the "list" for real?"  

"Uh, no, TV GUIDE, the list isn't exactly real, it's sort of real because there ARE villains on it, and yet the real RJ isn't there, no.  What we're going to be watching is Jane pretending to go along with it because he knows by investigating everyone on the list he'll uncover a huge corrupt cop network as well as get closer to the real RJ -- but in the mean time, Jane's got to convince the whole CBI team that the list is legitimate since he knows someone on the team has direct access to RJ and he has to convince RJ that he believes it."

I mean, REALLY, is that what Heller is supposed to say A YEAR before the mystery is OVER?  LOL 

I admit, these last few months haven't been easy, kind of like feeling your way through the dark [Rosalind Harker said RJ was "cruel" to leave her hanging like he did and -- I understand how she feels -- we viewers have all been like Harker to Heller's clues]....BUT...

Try to think of it like we've been climbing a hill [which is the hard part] and NOW, we're halfway there, standing at the top --- SO...it's all downhill from here...WHEE!!

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Red John could be a secret carnie thing    could be Jane's dad or Danny Ruskin   someone who is mad Jane left the carnie life              why are Alex Jane and Danny Ruskin not on the Accuse list on this site?         I think Red John is someone who used to be in Jane's life but isn't anymore and wants Jane back    

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RED JOHN IS STILL ALIVE !!!    The season isn't over       The season 6 finale will be a Red John episode !!!      McAllister is just another Timothy Carter !!!    Jane is playing the long con    and Heller is crafting the best season of The Mentalist ever         The first third was RED JOHN: THE FINAL CHAPTER     The second third is A NEW BEGINNING     and the last third of the season will be THE REAL RED JOHN     

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where are all the theories people?  McAllister wasn't Red John    the real RJ is still out there              so who do you think the real Red John is?         either McAllister is just another Timothy Carter and Jane is playing the long con on RJ just like his breakdown at the end of season 4 or this is all a post explosion coma dream just like when Jane drank the drugged tea and tripped out                   nothing about the RJ reveal/death or this new beginning storyline has felt like The Mentalist and it doesn't prove to me that Red John is dead and this is the new direction of the show    how long is this new beginning gonna last untill we see a RJ smiley face?     I'm betting on the season finale    the huge shocking season finale cliffhanger is Red John is still alive      every season finale has been so amazing and it's because it's an RJ episode       what else can they do for the season 6 finale?    they haven't really established anything new to replace the RJ saga   this whole new beginning is one big fake out misdirect        WHO DO YOU THINK THE REAL RED JOHN IS?     just don't pick apart theories without posting one yourself       the RJ story line wasn't finished 8 episodes into the season    so until the end of the season we have to assume Red John is still alive       it's not crazy to think McAllister isn't Red John    it is crazy if you believe McAllister was Red John before the end of the season               did you believe Timothy Carter was Red John?      if they explained all that away in one episode they can do the same for McAllister      If Red John pulled that trick on Jane once why wouldn't he do it again?                                                                           who do you think the real Red John is?                                               

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Hello everyone and thanks for all your theories

It is still possible that Red john is alive , I'm not saying he is , but there is a possibility

We all remember Timothy Carter and how he changed his voice into Red john's voice , which is an ability that even McAllister had .. So it's really interesting and mysterious

I don't think that Timothy Carter was one of the top guns in the BA so did O'Laughlin really talked to him ? Or Red John asked Timothy to repeat what he said to Lisbon just to trick Patrick and get him to kill Carter , Or maybe RJ gave Carter the phone and asked him to pretend to be RJ , it's the same RJ voice and that's when i realized that there is hope that RJ is sill there messing with Jane

I won't accuse anyone , but i want to say that the show is great so far no matter how it will end , Bruno Still have the potential to end it in a legendary way

Geek 64

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Perhaps something like this is what Bruno Heller has in store for us during the rest of the season. Patrick is near death while lying on the floor of a room after months of decline in his mental and physical health.  Lisbon is broken down and crying.  A dozen people he has known for years are standing around very concerrned for him, but they know there is nothing they can do to help.  They lament how much they are going to miss him and isn't it a shame, etc., etc.   Just as the ambulance crew is rolling Patrick away on a gurney, he bolts up and slashes the neck of one of his attendants with a razor he had hidden.  To the astonishment of everyone present, Patrick has been playing possum. Because Patrick is clearly mentally competent, he is charged with murder.  During his trial over the course of three episodes, he presents witnesses who testify to apparently unrelated facts which tie many of the clues from previous episodes together.  On the final episode, Lisbon takes the stand and testifies to some seeming insignificant fact which makes everyone realize that Patrick's victim was Red John. Patrick is nonetheless convicted and sent to prison, a happy man.  Lisbon becomes a reculsive beekeeper.     

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Whoever RJ is - I wish you a Happy New Year and to all of us a satisfiing RJ resolution!

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