Who is Red John?

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I’ve argued in a number of postings that I do not believe what is going on in the current reboot is real.  I have suggested why I believe this, i.e. the lack of logic of the story line post S6E7.  Issues:  how could the FBI close down the CBI?  The CBI (if it existed) would have been established by California state law.  The FBI could have come in an arrested all CBI employees (if it were able to get a court order to do so) but it would never have been able to get a court order to close the CBI.  The CBI is a state agency whose existence is based on that state’s legislative power.  That ability simply does not exist under US constitutional system.  If Lisbon, Chou, etc. were out of a job (fired), they would also be in jail or on trial.  They would not be working other jobs (and certainly not FBI agents).  If the story line was that they were fired or quite, that would be logical, not that their jobs were abolished.  Also, the FBI is a bureaucracy and follows rules.  Chou had to go through agent training before he is an actual FBI agent, Lisbon would have to do the same.  I agree that none of the FBI personnel appear to be “fleshed out;” they seem like stock characters that have been introduced and intentionally not developed.  This might be a timing issue (S6E11 could be argued that the writers are doing so with Fischer but we then need to believe that the story is really post-RJ and the writers are pushing the triangle story line).If this is all in PJ’s mind as a result of the blast, it’s his delusion. 

One last thought:  there was a discussion of what type of woman is PJ’s type of woman.  If this is his delusion, one could argue that Markham is his type of woman because she was a criminal and PJ recognized her as such.  His decision to expose her does not take away from his attraction to her.  PJ’s wife certainly understood he was a conman/criminal.  If he is delusional would he not reveal his true self?

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So, with this "New Beginning" -- how will the series end?  A Jibson wedding?  LOL  Yeah, that's not happening.

Here's the extent of your "new show"

New office
New town
New tea cup


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Just wanting to point things out (and also hoping for a better sequel to RJ's fall) :
(" The Tiger", William Blake, 1794)

5th and 6th stanzas :
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
-->  episode # 9 : "My Blue heaven"

7th and 8th stanzas :
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?

--> episode # 10 : "Green thumb"

9th and 10th stanzas :
And What shoulder, and what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?

--> episode # 11 : "White lines"

13th and 14th stanzas :
What the hammer? what the chain?
In what furnace was thy brain?
--> episode # 12 : "Golden Hammer"

17th stanza :
When the stars threw down their spears,
--> episode # 13 :"Black Helicopters"

18th stanza :
And watered heaven with their tears,
--> episode # 14 :"Grey water"

20th stanza :
Did he who made the lamb make thee?
--> episode # 15 : "As White as the Driven Snow"

(may be - or not - related to the nursery : "Mary had a little lamb, whose fleece was white as snow", Sarah Josepha Hale, 1830s).

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I was curious, so I'm putting forward a question to everyone who prowls whoisredjohn.com.

I'm curious to see the number of people who use this site - a similar question was asked around the time 6x4, x5, x6 were the recent episodes and I want to make a comparison. Then, I think it totalled a couple hundred. You may find it interesting to gauge user levels as well.

I want to see how many people use this site

If you are a user of whoisredjohn.com, hit green or red now.

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RED JOHN'S VOICE on Teresa's phone "Sorry Patrick, Teresa can't come to the phone right now..."


Are we reallly supposed to buy this ridiculous fairy voice that McAllister puts on as "proof" of being RJ?

Comparing the two voices, they are TOTALLY different.

RED JOHN who painted blood on Teresa's face sounded like Partridge exactly.  I'm not saying he's RJ, and I'm against that as an outcome -- but he may have been used by RJ.

1) Partridge to Jane: "Something wrong?  You've been really sullen with me recently and now your staring at me strangely, and I don't know why?"  Jane:  "You truly don't know?"  Partridge: "No."   I BELIEVE HIM.

2) McAllister to Jane:  "You got it wrong.  I'm not Red John."  I BELIEVE HIM, TOO!

Something stinks...

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Sorry to go back to RED, but a while back, I notice that amongst RJ's victims, which included male, female, young, old, blonde, brunette, grey, redheaded men...but NEVER redheaded women [please correct me if I'm wrong]....

which is why I think that our master puppeteer [known as RJ] is either:


RJ doesn't kill redheaded ladies, they're special.

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I've never really liked any "List of 7" suspects for RJ, that is individually speaking BUT...as a collective whole, they might all just add up to RJ quite well [The whole is greater than the sum of it's parts]

WHAT IF Rebecca Anderson's RJ is not the same as Lorelei Martins RJ.....WHAT IF:

HAFFNER committed the 1988 Visualize Barn murders...because he was there at the time, a troubled youth, and is connected with Visualize.  Do we have ANY information about McAllister's connection with Visualize?

PARTRIDGE killed Janet and Carter Peak...because it SURE looks like Partridge in the picture, not McAllister at all

MCALLISTER...killed Jane's family [as well as a few others]  because Jane killed the man he believed killed his family, and I believe that much is true

KIRKLAND TWIN was Rosalind Harker's lover..because McAllister doesn't fit this bill and we know the least about Kirkland Twin, but enough to know he fits her description exactly, especially the "smells of pine" part given his barn is in woods

BERTRAM, I think, went to see Sophie Miller -- but it could have been the other "whistlers" HAFFNER or MCALLISTER

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