Who is Red John?

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Why was Osvaldo "Oscar" Ardiles and PJ listed as 'Special Agent' on Van Pelt's screen near the end?

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Ever thought that RJ had a higher boss to answer to?  Maybe his boss is coming back and spied on Ardelis.

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So they say 6x21 (season semi-finale) is called "Retired".
I believe I found a "red" in there...

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Ruskin family Ferris Wheel == Roy Tagliaferro

I wonder who worked on/rode on/got stuck on the Ruskin family Ferris Wheel?

LISBON:  I didn't know your wife was from this world, too?

JANE:      Oh, yeah, her grandparents were Carnie royalty.  They ran big metal, ferris wheels, ghost trains.  They ran them all across the midwest...

Ferris Wheel was designed by George Washington Gale Ferris  -- and Ferris is pronounced same as "Ferrus," which coincidentally means IRON because the Ferris Wheel is made of IRON


For someone was afraid of heights, a FERRIS WHEEL wouldn't be a fun ride


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There's been a lot of talk about Alex Jane and the Barlows, but what about the Ruskins?  PJ'S BACKGROUND CONNECTION TO RJ via the carnival may be through his wife's family:

RUSKIN:  means red haired; derived from words Rose and Royce  "ROY"  [is this just to further symbolize that red hair loving ROY killed Angela Ruskin -- or it is further commentary on the Ruskin family background] 

LISBON:  I didn't know your wife was from this world, too?

JANE:      Oh, yeah, her grandparents were Carnie royalty.  They ran big metal, ferris wheels, ghost trains.  They ran them all across the midwest...

INTERESTING:  Because the Ferris Wheel was named by the man who designed it, George Washington Gale Ferris  -- YET Ferris is pronounced same as "Ferrus," coincidentally as FERRUS=IRON and the Ferris Wheel is made of IRON

Yes, a FERRIS WHEEL IS CUT IRON [now a lot of things are made from iron, which is made into steel, like the hull of ships, automobiles and variance appliances and such, but still thought this was worth mentioning]

And, if someone was afraid of heights, a FERRIS WHEEL wouldn't be a fun ride to go on [I personally hate them]

In episode -- "THROWING FIRE"

Jane gets dizzy, has flashbacks to when he and his dad sit atop the Ferris wheel as Patrick looks down at people below and guesses their life stories -- this was the episode where we see memory of how Jane's father wanted him to scam the little girl with cancer

FERRIS WHEEL symbolizes circle of life but also that one is going nowhere, going in circles to nowhere -- Jane on the Ferris Wheel with his dad symbolic of his life going nowhere, a life of looking down upon people...

Jane gets girl's mother to buy crystal ball, giving his father money without scamming the little girl by giving her false hope.  Father goes off to play POKER with cash.

RJ has to have connection to Jane's past somehow -- with RJ knowing of Jane more than vice versa, and it seems unlikely that all this information about the carnival past would be touched on and never revisited?  With the carnival having traveled all over the midwest and west...Jane must have conned a lot of people when he was with his dad.

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well this isn't exactly proof but I think episode 15 "
White as the Driven Snow" of this season will be the return in some way of red john.

why you ask?
2 reasons.
1. it's directed by 
Chris Long and most of the episodes he does have something to do with red john, he doesn't direct many episodes but when he does it usually involves red john clues or big red john episodes.
2. It's the last episode they have given the name for, for the season.

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During Season 1, Episode 9, (Flame Red) Patrick told Lisbon "when I catch Red John, I'm gonna cut him open and watch him die slowly like he did my wife and child."
If Sheriff McAllister is Red John, this means:  Patrick didn't really mean it; he forgot; it wasn't practicable; or, he changed his mind.  It may also mean that Sheriff McAllister was not Red John.
Perhaps the two year layover and the FBI gig is an elaborate ruse to make Red John think that Patrick thinks he is dead.  Maybe Patrick will lash out when its least expected and cut someone (later revealed to be Red John) open and watch him/her slowly die.
Perhaps the producers have lost track about what was said and done in the past and are just attempting to keep us entertained while waiting for the series to be cancelled.  If this is the case, the producers will have lost all credibility in my book.

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