Who is Red John?

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I want to make an observation regarding the fans and the style of the show.  Many theories over the years have been well thought out and at times, very complex.  People have pointed out specific details whilst making incredible connections.  A lot of us Mentalist fans take things very literally.  For instance, when Patrick said he would cut Red John up when he found him, we truly believed that is how Red John would be taken down.   Or that the "He is Mar" clue has real significance.  There are also numerous others examples that I'm sure you can think of, if you follow what I'm saying.  We want things to make sense and fit together like a puzzle.  We want to think the story was mapped out from the begging and stays logical.  And yes, the writers do owe us that, to some extent.

However, the style of the Mentalist isn't really designed to cater to us die-hard fans (a minority).  It is more about appealing the masses.  Some television shows are serialized heavily.  The Mentalist is not one of them.  Many of the episodes are standalone.  With these episodes, a person could miss watching it and watch the next episode without confusion.  As much as we want the Mentalist to be plot-driven, it has never really been that way from the start.  The back story of the Mentalist is Red John, but it isn't like every episode is about Jane getting closer to finding Red John.  The show is about Patrick being a "Mentalist" and solving murders.  The series is based on that procedural structure.  I will say that Season 6 has been the most serialized season so far though.  But more often than not, an episode has no bearing on the overarching plot of Red John.

My point is that some of us (including me) want every detail to connect from one episode to the next, but the Mentalist has never been that kind of show.  There are some tv series like that, but not many.  Those kinds of detailed plots work better in books, so tv producers aren't as apt to try it.  And with that I quote an interview with Heller and Baker (especially the bold):
"How much Red John will we hear about, in the future, or have you entirely moved on now?
Heller:  We won’t be going back.  One of the things that you discover when these figures of great evil are unmasked, in real life, is that once the curtain is pulled back from these evil Wizard of Oz characters, they tend to be not very interesting dinner companions.  They tend to be egomaniacal, one-track-mind type of guys.  There are a lot of questions about motivation, and what he was doing when and how, and how that connects to other things.  That makes great internet fodder, but it’s not very entertaining for the weekly TV audience, so there won’t be much of that.  Even though some people would love to delve into that, it’s not what the show does, on a weekly basis."

So yes, we want answers to some questions, and yes, we even deserve answers to some questions. But then we are asking The Mentalist to be something it is not.

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Can we all agree that there is a HUGE chance that RED JOHN was NOT at the bard in 1988?
This was only a huge assumption by us and the show. This changes our whole timeline. 

Red John started killing in 1997.
The media named him red john because he liked to red headed woman early on.
I say he started killing around 23-25 and would be around 33-38 right now


Red John is not a 48 year old balding sheriff 

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The biggest writing fail is the Kira Tinsley storyline along with the part that RJ has a tattoo.  It is so rushed and nonsensical.

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 WOULD RJ REALLY LET BERTRAM GO DOWN IN HISTORY AS BEING RED JOHN?  HELLO?!  McAllister plans a neat little double murder to get rid of Jane and Bertram -- seems logical at first -- RJ gets to go free, no one will ever know McAllister is RJ ----BUT THERE'S ONLY ONE PROBLEM WITH THAT --- the egomaniacal RJ we have come to know for 5 years doesn't like "cheap imitators."  No, the RJ we know is proud to be RJ and would not stand for very long to think his/her imagine had been tarnished by the likes of bad poker playing Bertram.  MAKES NO SENSE.


1. Why does Jane tell everyone about list?  Must be because he wanted them to know…WHY?

2. Why does Jane endanger his crew?  Must have thought they wouldn't really be in danger…WHY?

3. Tinsley said man who killed her had a tattoo…How did she know that?  Did she see this guy sleeveless prior to this -- did they go swimming together?  Sleep together?  Because average man isn't going around sleeveless.  Logic would dictate that BA would NOT want members exposing tattoos, anyway.  And I don't think killer showed up at her door wearing Chippendales outfit with leather gloves.  

4.  How do we know the man who hired Tinsley and the man who killed her are the same?  We don't!  She appears to know person at door but IS NOT happy to see them [not the usual response given by RJ associate who is always in love with RJ]

5How does Jane know RJ is the one who killed Tinsley?  Beating and strangling isn't usually his style, is it?  Where was his taser?  And he left her alive -- totally not RJ.  A gun/knife would have been quicker.  JANE TELLS THAT RED JOHN KILLED HER…WHY?

6.  How does Jane know RJ has a tattoo?  He says that Tinsley TOLD him RED JOHN had the tattoo -- WHEN???!!!  ALL I SAW was her showing tattoo markings, but nothing about RJ.  She never said RJ killed me, RJ has tattoo -- this is ALL inference from JANE.  

7.  Tinsley was hired by Visualize.  And if she wasn't, how did Jane know?  Or is RJ visualize?  Did we ever have any information about McAllister and Visualize?  Not that I can think of.

8.  MAN at Tinsley's door had HAIR, you can see it in the shadow cast on her door, and it looked either curly or tousled as if he had a good head of hair.  THIS IS NOT MCALLISTER who is supposedly RJ

9.   Jane figured out RJ was McAllister -- BUT HOW?  Because of WHAT?  He never tells us.   He only describes knowing about 2 bombs and switched DNA evidence, but WHY did he think it was McAllister over Haffner or Stiles -- because they could have done exact same thing with bomb and DNA, too?  And don't tell me STILES is dead. 

10.  And speaking of DNA -- if Partridge was BA and a master of switching DNA -- whose to say Partridge is really dead?  Now that everyone's keeping corpses on ice...

11.  Jane goes to the church with a PIGEON IN POCKET and previously taped a gun to pew.  Clearly, he's expecting McAllister.  BUT HOW DID JANE get passed CORDERO with a pigeon on his body when Cordero frisked him?  Was it in his undies?

12. Jane publicly announces that Bertram is RJ when HE KNEW he wasn't in order to trap McAllister -- but then surely, he also knew what McAllister would try to do later -- get rid of Jane and Bertram together, wrapping it up nicely. 
So WHY ASK McAllister in church why Bertram had to die??!!  THAT is a question JANE ALREADY KNOWS ANSWER TO!  What did Jane think was going to happen?  With Bertram on the run for being RJ, he could have been shot and killed at ANY time.   Obviously, Jane used Bertram and really didn't care that Bertram was in danger.  Makes no sense.  In fact, 
Jane acts like he's reading from a script, like he already knows what's going to happen and he's baiting McAllister.


14.  WTF with MRS. CARMEN LEE?  Another suspicious moment that they're not going to tell us about.  Lisbon acts like it's nothing.  Jane seems concerned.  Of course, Haffner walks in right after and it makes him look guilty as sin and then they play terrible ominous music the whole time he's visiting Lisbon [who just had dream of him knifing her].  
 We assume it's RJ or HAFFNER but I wouldn't put it past JANE to have set up the nurse to come in like that, god knows why

Haffner says, "Boy, they let anyone in her these days..." as if yet again another reference that he's some bad guy who is making a sick, tongue and cheek remarks to taunt Lisbon.  With all this set up against Haffner -- I'm starting to think that his worst crime is helping Stiles and nothing more

I CAN'T SAY FOR SURE what JANE has or hasn't done -- BUT WE DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING THERE IS TO KNOW ABOUT HIM -- there's something he's not telling everyone as evidenced by his conversation with himself

CHAR: You have no life, just this endless obsession.  "Red John..Red John…" Ugh... [rolls her eyes] Mom would not be happy.

JANE:  Well, my relationship with your mother is uh, is my business.  Show a little respect.

CHAR: Hello, I'm a figment of your imagination.  Show yourself a little respect.

JANE: This is what I've been missing out on, all these years?  When do you go to college again?

CHAR:  You can't even be real with someone who doesn't even exist?  Does anyone know who you are?

JANE:   Yes.

CHAR:  Who?  Well, c'mon, who?!


JANE:   [calling out, as if in distress]:  Lisbon, Lisbon…

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The one thing that gives most hope to all theories that RJ is not dead is PJ still wearing his wedding ring!

I still want to believe ;)

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Can you imagine of Richard Heiback is getting his revenge on cbi? I would turn the show off immediately.
I will post the picture of the CBI agents on the list in the comment section.
Do we know anything about any of these people ? Check out the comment section for the the pic...

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I apologize for my insensitive Moriarty comment.  I in no way would ever want another human being to hurt themselves ever.  I felt like I was being bullied and picked on and I lashed out without thinking  .    I just wanted to share my theories with other Mentalist fans who enjoy the show as much as I do and was hurt by some people's comments     I hate bullies and I didn't mean to do the exact same thing     I apologize to anyone I offended with all my heart                                      peace and love  peace and love

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