Who is Red John?

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1) I never really thought the ring wearing person sipping tea with Rosalind Harker was the same person hacking up bodies with a linoleum cutter, but I suppose it's possible.  

2) I also never thought of Sheriff McAllister as the tea drinking type either.  

3) I don't remember seeing ANYTHING that would have provided a counterpoint to McAllister's hillbilly personality:

like say a copy of Moby Dick in his cop car LOL

or perhaps some classical music on the radio while he was shooting bucks out his cop car window LOL  

or maybe McAllister in a nice 3 piece suit at the church for his face off with Jane at the end!  LOL  [You'd think he would have dressed for the occasion].

4) It would be interesting to see a list of RJ attributes compared against the traits of McAllister -- though I already know that you couldn't cross reference anything, except for cowboy boots and ability to make a high pitched voice.  LOL

5) Gosh, we never even got to see where McAllister was living.  Being a town's sheriff [and not JUST a serial killer and leader of a huge mafia organization controlling the lives of THOUSANDS], he'd have a home address somewhere, right?  LOL  Unless he lived in his cop car at the station.  

6) It's convenient that McAllister never seemed to have a home because then Jane didn't ever have to go there, and thus the writers didn't have to worry about pulling the reveal out of their asses.  Just make everyone drive to Jane's 10 hours away house like it's around the corner!

7) Why didn't Jane guess McAllister years ago?  Somehow he saw through EVERYONE else for a decade, AND even knew Fisher and Abbot's favorite childhood toys, but he couldn't guess McAllister until the bomb gag? 


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Ugh, this show has resorted to BS now that the RJ storyline is done. When Rigsby gets shot with the handgun the entry point is close to center mass just off to the left, almost certainly a heart shot. He should have been dead and I was cheering the bold move to kill him off then when he miraculously saves the day his wound is up on his left shoulder. SMDH, talk about cheap TV tricks. That's it for me, game over, the show is officially mailing it in.

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Green button: Red John is still alive.
Red button: Red John(McAllister) is dead.

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A lot of you guys still don't get it after such a long time..
The fact there's never any explanation doesn't mean that there's something big going on in the background!!! NOTHING'S GOING ON!! We will never get an answer to why Heibach waited 2 years, why neither he or his sister didn't have a shoulder wound, etc..The writers don't care about shit like that anymore. Bruno Heller has his hands full with his new show now. 

In the next few episodes Lisbon will have a boyfriend and then probably in the last episode she and Jane will have some kind of a romantic moment. And that's it for season 6.

I think the only people who still think RJ is alive have brains smaller than a pea..

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To begin, i believe like alot of people in this site that RJ is somehow alive and we will see a better episode of Jane finding who he is. Why am i so positive you may ask? The reason is that the reveal did not satisfy the fans in any way. Even the last episode had more suspence more tricks by Jane and more action. I just cannot see the big reveal that we are waiting for being given in such a horrible way.
The last episode is going to be RJ related and it is going to be a double episode filled with flashbacks
action and a talk between RJ and PJ. At least that is my guess.

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I want to believe your theories, and I had been on your side Stoopkid, but not anymore. 

How do you think they can bring back Red John, explain all the missing links, catch him and kill him again in the 7-8 episodes they are left with ?

Seriously, get over.

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Prior to last night's episode, the only person in the series who tried to cut off Patrick's fingers was Red John.  Is this reason to make anyone wonder?

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