Who is Red John?

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" i wanna be there when we land that big fish"

Agent fischer love/hates jane and was amazes jane took his wedding ring off for her.

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About Lisbon's potential love interest on the next episode:

- FBI Special Agent Marcus Pike, who debuts in Episode 16, is described as “a charming man with integrity, a blue collar cop with FBI smarts.

- Blue Bird (slang): 
cop, police officer, security guard

- He is Mar

Haha, theorizing is fun.

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Kim Fischer!

Do we know how she found Jane before the rest of the FBI?
It's possible she could be in contact with Red John or even be Red John!

If you don't this either and wonder as I please like.
If you do know how please unlike, so I can get this theory off my mind.

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Dorothy and Scarecrow have gone off somewhere over the rainbow...because "there's no place like home".....

So, I'm going back to theorizing about who, other than McRJ, could also be RJ related  [disclaimer:  I'm aware that I might be wrong but I really don't care.  I like to theorize, it's fun].  So, I'd like to point out, working within reasonable parameters:

What we've been SHOWN vs. what we've been TOLD["Believe only half of what you see and nothing that you hear.”  Edgar Allen Poe [and Ben Franklin, too]

1. SHOWN that Smith had 3 Dot Tattoo, was BA and is now in jail

2. SHOWN that Bertram had 3 Dot Tattoo, was BA and is now dead

3. SHOWN that B. Kirkland was hunting RJ and is now dead [unless it's M. Kirkland instead]; TOLD his twin is dead

4. SHOWN that McRJ had 3 Dot Tattoo, was in BA , can feign a high pitched voice, fears pigeons and is now dead; TOLD he's RJ.  Maybe McRJ is the real McCoy, but it was only implied, if you count a fake voice as proof.  McRJ only ever admitted to being the head of BA [and we were SHOWN proof of that]

5. SHOWN Partridge bloodied, then only TOLD he died; SHOWN a body at morgue but only TOLD it was Partridge; never saw face.  Also, TOLD he was BA.

6.  TOLD Stiles is dead

7.  TOLD Haffner is dead

Yes, this could be the careless breadcrumbs of a harried writer who is onto new horizons and "doesn't care" anymore but let's just say Heller cares for the sake of this argument:  Basically, all that is highlighted under TOLD should be suspicious with Stiles & Haffner in the lead:  we were shown absolutely nothing about those two.

More random thoughts:

1.  SMITH was a late arriving character and a bull in a china shop, in other words, lacking history, as well as finesse:  but I loved the scene of his capturing, and I hope to never see him again!  

2.  BERTRAM really was smart but dumb and didn't know anything about RJ.  He was also SURPRISINGLY violent.  Wow, was anyone else shocked when he killed that bartender so ruthlessly?  I almost got sick.  You think you know someone?!…LOL

3.  Was B. KIRKLAND actually B. KIRKLAND?  Or did M. KIRKLAND assume brothers identity, or vice versa?  In either case, the twin scenario and forest barn are intriguing possibilities, and a Kirkland twin showing up would be fun [unlike Haibach showing up].  

4.  McRJ…?!  If episode 22 is nothing more than Jane kissing Lisbon and Fischer honing her wand skills, then it was fun and it will be over.

5.  PARTRIDGE!  IF he is alive, I tend to think he's hiding out similar to Hightower, and he's a helper.  I think he'd love nothing more than to be a Jr. Patrick Jane.  I never liked Partridge for RJ because of the obviousness but I'd welcome it if it came with a clever twist. [Anything has to be better than what we've gotten so far!]  

6.  If JANE were RJ, and when I say that, I do not mean that Jane is doing the killing, I mean that Jane gets others to do it by hypnotizing them -- how ironic would it be that Jane admonishes Partridge for looking up to RJ, if in fact Jane is RJ!  All this time we're watching Jane treat Partridge as if he were the person that --  he really is.  [hello…PROJECTION!]  Jane publicly scolding Partridge for openly liking what he himself is secretly supplying?  -- Unlikely, I know, but I think that could have worked brilliantly.  Partridge as ghoulish hero LOL

7. STILES I love for RJ papa, friend, accomplice or even as RJ mastermind himself. 

8.  HAFFNER could be Stiles' son, I think, and with that said RJ!  I did not previously like Haffner for RJ because of the obviousness, and Lisbon's dreams and all, it just felt like misdirection, but now, "2 years later," HAFFNER would be welcome.  He fits the description more than anyone; explains why Lisbon was spared, and who better to bug the CBI?  Sometimes though, I think he's just an ordinary guy whose main interest is really just to bang Lisbon.

9:  M. KIRKLAND:  he either served the purpose for why B. Kirkland was sculking around; or he's got a bigger part yet to be revealed.

I will always love a redheaded woman for RJ [because those were the clues] but I'd be happy with:

1.  Kirkland Twin, 2.  Haffner/Stiles, 3.  Patridge/Jane twist  or how about  4.  More info about McRJ's history!  
Hopefully, Heller will stop underwhelming us.

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Blue Birds = Amobarbital (Barbiturate)

Barbs; Barbies; Downers; Blues; Nembies; Seccies
DESCRIPTION: Barbiturates are a class of sedative drugs prescribed for anxiety and insomnia. Barbiturates were widely available on the street in the 1970s and '80s, though less so in the '90s and '00s.

Barbiturates have two major effects. These are sedative (which decrease anxiety) and hypnotic (which help sleep). Many drugs have both effects, often having a sedative effect at low doses and a hypnotic effect at high doses.BarbituratesBarbiturate sleeping pills include Tuinal, Seconal and Nembutal and are most often misused for their intoxicating effect. Becuase of this, there are less barbiturates being prescribed. Non-medically available barbiturates bought on the street originate from medical sources and are usually imported or sold by users with prescriptions. Misusers will normally take the pills orally, often taken with alcohol although they are sometimes injected. To do this the capsules are opened and the powder is added to water. The small particles of undissolved substance can cause damage to veins.Like alcohol, barbiturates depress the central nervous system and have similar effects lasting from 3 to 8 hours depending on the dose. A small dose usually makes people feel relaxed as if they'd had one or two drinks. With larger doses the effects are more unpredictable and the sedative effects takes over. A user trying to stay awake after a moderate to large dose (several pills) will often become clumsy with poor control over speech and body, rendering them liable to accidental injury. There can be extreme and unpredictable emotional reactions and mental confusion.Large doses can lead unconsciousness and eventually respiratory failure and death. Fatal overdose is an ever present danger as the required amount for overdose is not much more than the recommended normal dose. The effects and dangers are greatly increased if Barbiturates are taken with alcoholPhysical dependence is likely to develop with Barbiturates if a certain threshold value is exceeded. The dependence has a strong psychological as well as physical basis, and after high doses the withdrawal effects can include irritability, nervousness, inability to sleep, faintness and nausea, twitching, delirium and sometimes convulsions with may be associated with long term brain damage. Sudden withdrawl from high doses of Barbiturates can be fatal.Heavy users are also liable to develop bronchitis and pneumonia (due to the cough reflex being depressed) and hypothermia (becuase the drug blocks normal responses to cold) and repeated accidental overdose. Most of these risks are increased if Barbiturates are injected, which is by far the most dangerous form of drug taking.

I think someone posted something about the drug slang so I looked up some stuff on BlueBirds 

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Red John is Mark Knopfler of Dire Straits.


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Ok listen, formercop is abrasive ? He curses me out daily!!!
Out of the blue too and you make me out to be the bad guy?
And i called it a book signing instead of a convention WHO CARES!!!
What other words did i twist? Is there any truth in this logic? ;)
And he Was not at the convention as RED JOHN right? That was
My point!! That they wouldn't put a character at a signing mid season!!
So don't twist my words!
And i am obsessed? You are reading deep into comment sections on whoisredjohn.com!!!!!


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