Who is Red John?

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In Red john Rules s05E22 starting around 16min30secs

Patrick: you know how some little random childhood memories
stick with you forever? You know how sometimes they’re often associated with a
piece of music or a song?

Lisbon: Sure, You know about that song about the cake being
left out in the rain? I always see my mother feeding PIGEONS. I don’t know why.

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About to board the plane to DC, Lisbon stands at the airport gate with Jane.  Pike approaches them.

Pike: "Are you ready, Teresa?"
Lisbon:  "Yes, I'm ready."

But Lisbon hesitates, because deep down, she's secretly hoping that Jane will stop her.  However, Jane has no intention of doing any such thing, saying.

"Welp, you guys better hurry, or you'll miss that plane."

Pike confers:  "He's right.  We'd better go.  Well, it's been real fun knowing you Jane.  Stop in if you're ever in DC."

Jane:  "Oh, yes, definitely, thank you.  I just might take you up on that."
Lisbon: "Well, I'm sure we'll have a couch in our new place."
Jane:  "And make sure it's a good one.  Preferably leather..."

Lisbon laughs, sharing a knowing look with Jane. 

Jane:  "Oh, and uh, one more thing.  Marcus, be good to Lisbon.  She deserves it."

Pike:   "Oh, will do.  I look forward to many years of doing just that."

Lisbon blushes.

Jane:  "Good."

Lisbon:  Well, goodbye Patrick.  Take care of yourself, okay?"

Jane:  "Yup, promise.  Bye."

Pike and Lisbon leave.  Lisbon wants to look back, but she doesn't.

Jane watches them go, smiling, but once they are out of sight, he becomes wistful -- even though he knows he's not good for Lisbon, deep down, he doesn't really want her to leave.  Still, he knows he can't hold her back any longer -- poor Lisbon has already spent a decade as a veritable nun following him around.  He has to let her go because hooking up with her would be like marrying his cousin.  
He watches through the window as the plane takes off, knowing he's done the right thing as much as it hurts. [Oh so Casablanca...]
THEN, LATER: BACK at the FBI: Jane decides to head west again, to his Malibu house.  He's going to put it up for sale, and travel around a bit.  Jane packs up the RV and says goodbye to Cho, who has decided to stay in Austin, making the FBI his home, as he has also recently hooked up with Agent Fischer and they are "exploring" a possible relationship together to see who can keep a straight face longer.  Abbott wishes Jane wouldn't go and tells him there's always an open invitation to come back, thanking him yet again for the Transformer toy.  

Jane pulls his RV out, waving goodbye to everyone, including Wylie, and he heads out for the highway.

Later, after driving a while, Jane stops at a rest area for the night.  In the back of the RV, there's an empty tea cup and a copy of Moby Dick on the counter.  And we see that Jane has crammed his trusty old couch into the back of the RV, too.

Tired, weary and seemingly lonely, Jane lays down on his couch, staring straight up...

….when suddenly THE PIGEON appears, flying in through the window, landing on the back of the couch.  Patrick smiles.  


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I'm posting this recent interview of Bruno Heller for "Templar", since he mentioned he can't post, along with some comments of mine:
Since The Mentalist hasn't been renewed yet, will the writers finally
get Jane and Lisbon together in case the show's canceled? — JackieFunny
you should ask, Jackie. "It's a romantic finale rather than a
[suspenseful] finale," creator Bruno Heller says. But that might not
mean exactly what you think. In fact, after a quick courtship, Agent
Pike will propose to Lisbon. Will Jane give the couple his blessing, or
will he decide to confront his unresolved feelings for Lisbon? Either
way, Heller promises closure. "With the death of Red John, there's a
sense of tying [things] up and certainly this romantic angle is one of
them," he says.

What  relief! Thank god they're planning on tying up the Jane-Lisbon
loose end! The culmination of 6 long years is finally before us! The
saying "the night is darkest just before dawn" had never been so true.
Finally a ray of sunlight is on the horizon.

Nothing like covering such pivotal plot holes. The show would lose credibility otherwise :O

He promises closure on this quintessential matter as well. I trust Bruno Heller to deliver once again.

The Mentalist ladies and gentlemen. An 138 episode - long chick flick.

hope Jane and Lisbon ride the Citroen towards the sunset (which of
course will be deep red, just so they can crap on our faces on last

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Dear Bruno Heller, Simon Baker [and the various writers they found in a cave somewhere....],

STOP reminding us of clues that were never solved!! [and that you have no intention OF ever solving]

You are putting bullshit in our faces when we're already standing in pigeon shit.


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After hearing wind that the Mentalist may be cancelled at any second now, I just want to voice my disagreement with Heller's choice to reveal McCalister in Season 8 of a series.
At least do it at a season finale, so that way the network will have to renew it to find out Jane's life after the reveal. 
I am constantly praying that that was just another whole layer of the Red John story, because,let's face it, despite people claiming they were satisfied, they won't be unless it is Jane himself, Lisbon, Cho, Rigsby, maybe Van Pelt or a character that was killed off eg. O'Laughlin or Bosco. Or of course, CBI Ron. Nobody wants a man who had been discarded from the whole series for 5 seasons. Grrr... Bruno Heller I am pleading that one of the next few episodes proves me wrong. That Richard Haibach twist was such an anticlimax, and you killed 2 good cast members for it?! Please don't let my favourite show die. Not like this.

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Does every last shot have to be of Jane on his old couch with his lonely self?  Okay, we GET IT, Jane hasn't changed or moved on ONE BIT [and 2 years later since he supposedly killed RJ and the show's gone in a "new" direction].  Yeah, whatever...

Jane says in the episode [Violets] where we first meet MARcus Pike...that   "The key to a good con is always making the MARk feel that he's in control.  You can lead a man anywhere as long as he thinks that he is driving."  Okay TWO things come to mind:

1) No, I'm not saying Marcus Pike is RJ: he's too young, too new, too obvious.  But I mean -- OF COURSE Lisbon's new love would be with a man whose name translates to RED HERRING.  

2) Is this what Jane is doing now?  -- Making SOMEONE whose NAME shall remain NAMELESS think that they are "driving" and "in control" while he bides his time?

In [Silver Wings], Jane says to the Redheaded Female Killer "You needn't be a MARtyr" [when he gives her a pillow]

And then, there's "near a body of water"  and "no such thing as psychics" [definite ALLUSIONS to Kristina Frye]

Oh, how I hate those last minute tease and double entendres now, the bastards...

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"A broken clock is right twice"

Didn't Jane use that exact phrase
before when arguing with / about Kristina Frye? I can't seem to find
it, though I do believe I've heard him say it before, though take that
with a grain of salt, cause it is a pretty common phrase.

They sure love teasing people don't they?

Last time we show Frye she was in a perma-hypnotic state, believing she was a ghost of her dead self. We have no indication that she recovered, let alone go back to work in general. However it has been quit a few years since the incident, you never know. I find it odd that Jane wouldn't consult her regarding RJ if she had recovered before the 2 year break, so I guess if they go on that road, she must've done it during it.

Still it's odd that Jane wouldn't know about it. He doesn't seem to make a connection when talking to Abbot.

If she does come back, I want to think it's RJ related, but I highly doubt it.

My scenario is that if they bring her back, it will be for her to be the romantic interest of Jane. Which is fine by me tbh. I always thought of her as a better matching for Jane.

The chemistry between them was way more interesting and intense. She's challenging for him, has outwitted him in convo more than once, and he seems generally intrigued by her in more ways than one.

Lisbon is so one dimensional as a character. Lack of facial expressions,  and downright boring. There I said it. :D

Kristina is spiced exotic meal. Lisbon is a boiled egg.

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