Who is Red John?

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What the fuck is this?


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Since nowadays we're only using posts to express our disappointment on how the RJ storyline was handled and (in some rare cases) to hate / rage against others frequenting on the site. I got a proposal:

How about each one posts his version of how RJ could have been revealed?

Let's also have a small guideline as for it not to spin too much out of control:

- Start off after the season 5 finale.

- Do not focus on WHO RJ would've been, only the means of how the story should've unfolded in your opinion. I think picking a specific tends to throw other people off from reading one's theory constructively (if the pick was not their favorite).

- As an exception to the above rule, you can refer to RJ's gender if it serves your story's unfolding. (As some people lean towards him being a female).

- Please avoid wall-texting, use paragraphs, as I would love to read anyone's theory, no matter its length, as long as it's easy on the eyes.

I'll be very happy if people participated. I'm eager to read your stories. I'll be posting mine as well in due time.

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I'm a huge fan of the show but I do believe it needs to be cancelled, whether they do something unexpected before it ends or not.
The past episodes have been awful on their own, a mish mash of Jane's old tricks and faces, with no inherent mystery or interesting plot.

Even if they lead to a big reveal (doubtful) there's just no excuse for their quality. One can't go: Hey see this guy? He was RJ/ Santa Claus Keyser Soze all along and call that a good twist.

Let's take an example: Let's assume that this Marcus Pike is the real real real Red John (even typing it at this point looks ridiculous). Let's say that on the season finale he is revealed. Hell, let's assume he is revealed on the very next episode.
Will that retroactively make the previous abysmal episodes any better? It won't. They'll still have poor writing, plot and no character development. If you doubt it, try picturing that Marcus Pike is 100% RJ and rewatch the past episodes. It hardly makes any difference to their quality.

A good twist relies on interesting things happening ON screen and when the twist comes, it can be explained partially with some things happening off screen and a lot of hints and behaviours ON it. You can't just have NOTHING happening on screen and leave EVERYTHING happening on the background where the viewer does not see them, That's has an official term, and it's called "pulling something out of one's arse". That's lazy, bad writing.

A show that relies on a "9 horrible episodes then 1 great" is not a good show. It's M. Night Shyamalan's cinematic biopic.

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Not buying any of it personally, but I wanted to express how frustrating all the teasing has become by now:

Marcus Pike and Lisbon sit at home, red curtains, red paintings, red red red red red.

He calls her and he offers an insight on the case by utilizing surveillance.

Restaurant scene, lisbon in a red dress, red ambient lighting, red red red red red.

And him appearing to manipulate her before he popped the question.

I wasn't even trying to look for these things, I stopped looking far into things a long time ago. They are just there in our faces.

Why are the writers doing this? It stopped being funny or interesting. This is cruel.

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Is there any officially confirmed information about the season finale? If so, sources?

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My theory is that 'Red John" could be MacCallister, but that MacCallister was not the primary power behind the Blake Association and more importantly Jane's slow burn torture over the years. There has been two clues that were so blatant concerning who is goading Patrick in the viewers face and NOBODY EVER MENTIONS THEM online. I believe it allows The Mentalist writers to write an even deeper plotline that ties everything together longterm while explaining away the nonsensical MacCallister. I believe there is a person who is deeply motivated to out do Patrick.

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