Who is Red John?

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Karl Sonnenberg posted this "teaser" pic on Twitter on March 13th about the upcoming 6x20 episode (aired last night) - interesting that I didn't see this or hear the quote (or see a scene that looked like this) - maybe it's going to be aired in the next episode or it's a deleted scene (or I'm blind lol)?

I suspect "Red Sweater Guy" is somehow involved......

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The way things have gone...its just...sad. I gave way more credit to Bruno Heller than he truly deserves. He has toyed with his core audience, killed off one of the greatest villains in TV history in a manner that does little to no justice for the character or the series aficionados and failed to resolve the "clues" he has sprinkled throughout the series. Sure, season 6 is a epic fail. Bruno Heller is a failed artist. But, the question I am wondering is why? Why did he choose to give us, his core fans, the finger? Why does he still toy with us? IL TAVLO BIANCO !?!? "Jane’s freedom is at stake when a grand jury is empanelled to decide if he should be tried for the murder of Red John." Bruno Heller...genuinely had my hopes up for a little...there I went in watching the show...checking the timeline as it neared completion and yet getting nothing substantial on screen. The show proceeds with its ill conceived notion of "newness" and does absolutely...nothing. The show starts...the jury is there...Jane is there...he talks a lot of shit like he always does...NOTHING is resolved...there is some progress in the case...Jane ends the episode by going over to Lisbon and Marcus Pike's place...Pike leaves them alone to talk...Lisbon closes the door...you can see the tension (not really, but how I wish)...Jane hopes to get a blowjob perhaps? Anyway, there is some boring dialogue and Jane leaves...Bruno "Motherfucker" Heller's name flashes on...


1.0 Is Bruno Heller really an incestuous mother-fucking-fucker??
2.0 Does he truly hate one of his finest creations??
3.0 Does fandom and fame mean nothing to him??
4.0 Does he have no collective interest whatsoever to be kind and resolve the excruciating pain fans of The Mentalist are facing??
5.0 Does he expect to gain any support from his Mentalist fans for his new shows??
6.0 Why is Simon Baker not shouting and at least trying to get things right??
7.0 How can Heller live with himself??
8.0 Is there a special spot in Hell reserved for Heller for betraying his fans??
9.0 Will Heller die the petty death of a rabid dog knowing that his entire life a big mess of failure??
10.0 Will Heller's name be forgotten within weeks after The Mentalist Season 6 Episode 22 airs on 18th of May, 2014??

You be the judge...

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I just wrote a theory recently, #17866 [as a sarcastic joke!!], parodying "Casablanca" to make fun of what will be the final [and predictable] scene with Jane, Lisbon & Pike.

NEVER NEVER did I think these Mentalist writers would actually BE so mental LOL as to include "Casablanca" as part of Jibson symbolism....I mean, I just can't believe they referenced "Casablanca..." and seriously....SO CHEESY!

But I should have KNOWN they would....Heller & Co. have practically used EVERY last famous literary and film reference known to man, it seems...and though I wish I could be amazed by their use of mining previous material -- I am not.  They usually reference it badly....as a cliche or they just go absolutely nowhere new with it.  

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For what it’s worth, I thought this was a great episode.

Let’s talk metaphors, shall we?

The grand jury is a metaphor for show.  The prosecutor is accused for being deceitful in order to ensure the defendant gets acquitted.  The jury is innocent but being led astray.  Jane says that it isn't that she is excluding or falsifying evidence but rather that the deceit is in how she tells the story.  She isn’t lying, but allowing the jury to believe something false by telling her story “halfheartedly” and “lacking confidence.”

We accuse Heller and co. of lying and falsifying clues about Red John when he gave us a disappointing reveal.  But, perhaps, his true misdirection is in the “halfhearted” way he has closed the Red John story and thereby lulling us into believing something that is false.  It’s not a con….its a sting.  ;)  (Ok, it is a con, but a good one.)

Speaking of halved hearts, if we are going to get any information about Red John it will be in “Black Hearts”.  Yes, the title is a reference to the black market hearts cut out of those poor women.  But, let’s not forget that in previous seasons the episodes didn’t always have “red” in them.  Sometimes it was just things that are usually red...like blood or roses.  Having obvious linkages between the title and the story in both yesterday’s and next week’s episodes distracts us from this.  

This whole human trafficking arc has me feeling uneasy and suspicious.  First “bow and arrow” and now a system of tattoos?  Both things were introduced awkwardly and both too obviously mirror the clues we got about the Blake Association. In “Brown Eyed Girls”, we briefly saw this Ridley fellow - we are meant to believe that he is the big baddie but I, as I usually am,  am suspicious.  

We will just have to wait and see.  We know that Red John had access to high risk women (from people like Jason Lennon and Miriam Gottlieb) and we don’t understand fully the circumstances under which he killed Lorelei’s sister.  There is potential for a tie-in of some kind with this arc.

Just so long as I don't have to endure Jane telling Lisbon to "get on that plane" in the finale episode, I'll be all right.  Not just because I'll be sad about them parting ways but because I could never accept such a heavy handed reference.  But Casablanca is a truly great movie.  If you've never seen it, you should drop everything and go watch it.  (Also, blanca = bianca = white.)

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Anyone else want to kick Bruno Heller in the nuts after the last episode? Is he intentionally trying to piss off the fans who liked the Red Johns story! I think the character Patrick Jane is based on Bruno Heller because he has played a big long con on us all. 
We at least thought some of the Red John story would be answered with the trial but of course not, because Bruno Heller basically conned us all. .

I mean the ending was so disappointing, not the fact that the killer was Mcallister which was ridiculous anyway, but the fact that Heller didn't really answer any of the major clues that were dropped before hand. That for me is just terrible writing. Don't even get me started on the episode being leaked early and the fact that we could see Mcallister jumping through the window in the promo. That is such a great way to reward the hardcore fans of the show ! really the great Red John was caught because he is scared of Pigeons, i think it is just a lack of respect from Heller really

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Tonight's episode has cemented Jibson once and for all. For awhile there it was turning into a bad Olive Garden commercial plus a bonus cheesy nightclub scene. There is nothing left and the grand jury being a ruse was not even a good plot twist. Disappointing at best and time to move on. It was fun while it lasted.

Back to watching Orphan Black.....

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What I don't get is, how the list of the main suspects in the header of this page is assembled? (the one with the round shaped pics)

The english version of this site now shows again 7 suspects (used to be 5?), and the french shows only 3? (always used to be more than the english version, as french TV was few episodes or even seasons behind).

Any fancy explanations?

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